Categories: TECHNOLOGY

Thinking About Purchasing an IPad?

Apple has done it again, coming out with a sophisticated, appealing, and technologically advanced gadget far ahead of its competitors and likely to take the market by storm when it’s first put on the market. With the unveiling of the product by Apple CEO Steve Jobs on January 27th to much fanfare, tech junkies and apple enthusiasts rejoiced as blogs lit up and tweets tagged with iPad were sent galore.

But many have been left asking, “What exactly is the iPad and why would I want it?” Sure it’s sleek and cool looking, but what are its applications? The iPad is a part of a new wave of tablet categorized computers. Similar to the iPhone, the iPad will feature a proprietary Apple Operation System, a multitouch screen and onboard wi-fi, or for an additional price a 3G compatible iPad via AT&T.; Of course with a 3G iPad you’ll be looking anywhere from $20-$40 extra per month in 3G charges. All of this will be offered in various packages ranging from $499-$829.

It’s true that the iPad is too large to fit in your pocket like an iPhone and yet not quite powerful enough to replace your laptop or desktop computer, leaving many to wonder if it’s worth splurging on. Its utility may be displayed in board meetings, taking notes in a class, doodling while traveling on a train, bus, plane, etc., or showing off to your envious friends. For these reasons and more this gadget may only end up being popular among the most diehard Apple fanatics, only time will tell.

Now, onto the 7 things you must know before purchasing an iPad:

1.) On-Screen Keyboard Only

That’s right; in keeping with Apple’s iPhone trend even when other smartphones adopted physical qwerty keyboards the iPad too will be lacking in a physical keyboard, instead users will have to rely on using an on-screen qwerty keyboard for input.

2.) Limited 3G Service Providers

If you plan on purchasing an iPad with 3G capabilities, prepare to be willing to shell out anywhere from $20 to $40 extra as mentioned previously. Your options will be limited to AT&T; being the only service provider currently offered by Apple with no rumors of expansion in the near future.

3.) No Multitasking

This will come as a huge drawback to hardcore tablet PC users looking to transition to an Apple based tablet. It’s a surprise as we’ve been seeing multitasking on smartphones for several generations now on units such as the Google Nexus. You probably can’t imagine not being able to multitask, chances are you’re doing it right now – whether you’re on AIM or ICQ while reading this article, or your e-mail client is on the in the background.

4.) No Webcam

Again, this comes as a surprise since we’ve seen cameras on past iPod models and MacBooks. This isn’t necessarily a big deal for the average user, but certain users may be disappointed to see the iPad lacking a webcam.

5.) Limited Apps

Currently, the iPad will be limited to extra apps and programs to the current iPhone app store. Which while it does certainly have a wealth of applications (some useless, other useful) it’s not encouraging to users who may want to branch out and experience a separate experience from the iPhone.

6.) No Flash

Forget browsing to any of your favorite websites if they utilize flash, and that will most certainly rule out many of the most popular websites and web 2.0 sites.

7.) No onboard USB ports

No USB ports on the iPad means forget about uploading your digital photos directly from your camera, or attaching an external webcam, or even uploading files from a thumb drive. Apple claims with the proper adapters it will be possible to hook up any USB device to your iPad, but who wants to carry around tons of adapters with them wherever they go?

Adam Frucci, 8 Things that Suck about the iPad –, iPad specs,
Jared Newman, Apple iPad Unveiled: Hits and Misses,


Karla News

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