Categories: Dieting & Weight Loss

Lose 40 Lbs and Gain Muscle with the US Marine Diet!

Are you overweight or underweight? Want a fast, simple way to take that weight off AND keep it off? Introducing: the US Marine diet! It’s very simple, it could be fun, and it will make you sweat!

There are a few steps to following this diet plan.

1: Train like a new recruit in boot camp. Run like hell. No jogging OR walking allowed. You will intersperse this running with pushups, or if you can’t do pushups, girlie pushups – IE from the knees. You will lift weights to get stronger. You will lift cold metal, not girly colorful plastic weights. You will lift barbells, dumbbells, and kettlebells on your way to achieving maximum fitness. When you feel like training, you will train. When you don’t feel like training, you will train. When you want to quit, you will train. When you can’t take it anymore, you will train. When you’re sick of training, you will train.

2: You will ration your meals. That’s right – you will eat only what you have been rationed, either by yourself or by your trainer. You will not deviate from this meal plan. You will cut out all the crap, the junk food, the candy, the hydrogenated oils and high fructose corn syrup. You will eat protein in order to keep the muscle building, and thus burn even more fat, since muscle burns fat just by existing. You will eat your vegetables. When you have a junk food craving, you will refuse to indulge it.. If you’re underweight, you’ll eat far larger rations. If you’re overweight, you will eat far smaller rations. As your weight evens out, you will normalize your rations.

3: You will continue this for 12 weeks. If you began this regimen overweight, you will no longer be overweight when you are finished. If you began this regiment skinny without any muscle on your frame, you will now have muscle on your frame when you are finished.

By the time you’re done, unless you have REALLY pushed yourself, you still will likely not have put in the same degree of work as any US Marine recruit will have put in by the time he or she is finished with boot camp. But you will be in the best shape of your life, you will have a new respect for the work that the Marines put into their training, and you will have gained a large degree of muscle and lost a large degree of fat. A loss of over 40 pounds is very possible. Most importantly, you will never again use your genetics, undiagnosed food allergies, birth control, air quality in your city, laziness, or any other outside influence, as an excuse for your being overweight or underweight.

You will keep the weight off, because your metabolism will be on fire from the workouts, and your eating habits will have changed. You will learn to no longer believe the jokers who claim that dieting is easy, that there is a magic pill or a magic combination of foods, or that you can go three weeks on a diet and keep off the weight forever. Good luck and good dieting and training.

Karla News

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