Categories: AUTOMOTIVE

The “Real Truth” About Car Sales People

I am a retired business owner and now sell cars for a living. I have been doing so since 1998. Just like many of you, I have read numerous articles on ways to beat the car sales person. As I read the articles from people who declare themselves to be former car sales people, all I can honestly do is laugh at their verbiage. Just by reading their articles, I can figure out that they tried to make it a career, and for whatever the reason, they simply didn’t make it. The day of the fast talking sales person is over! Just like modern day society with all of its technology, the present day car sales person has progressed too. Before I go any further, I am only speaking of dealerships and not a used car lot, by that I mean, what we (car sales people) refer to as a dirt lot. Just like in any job, car sales people have to be trained. Yes, we do learn ways to make the sale, but more so, trained in the product knowledge. Hours upon hours is spent studying our product! For many of us, we have to take test after test to be certified by the manufacturer in order to sell the product.

What many of these so-called “experts” failed to mention was the simple fact that in 2006, auto manufacturers reduced the MSRP. Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price. By doing so, many of the manufacturers who offer rebates, also lowered the amount on a rebate while the actual cost of the vehicle remained the same. There will soon be a time that the word “rebate” will no longer play a part in the automotive industry. On behalf of most car sales people, we wish that day were already here.

With the vast world of modern computers, we all can do our research while at home or work. Naturally, you can check out prices, but you cannot experience the vehicle’s driving ability until you actually drive it. The reason car sales people want you to test drive a vehicle is rather quite simple. First, I personally don’t discuss anything related to price. Later, you will find out why I don’t! Until you actually drive the vehicle you are contemplating on purchasing, the PRICE does not matter! My time is just as valuable as yours and there is nothing worse than working out a price, then the customer drives the vehicle and realizes they don’t like it. Putting it realistic…you wouldn’t walk into a shoe store, pick up a pair of shoes off the rack, pay for them, then take the shoes home and try them on, now would you? So, why would you pick out a vehcile without trying it out first? Simply test driving a vehicle is NOT a guarantee that you specifically want that vehicle. After all, there are many choices!

Everyone wants the best deal and these so-called “experts” tell you various ways on obtaining the best deal. Before worrying about the “best deal”, first you need to figure out what type of vehicle you want. Once you have narrowed your search, do your homework and find out about the reputation of the service department. That is only if you plan on that specific dealership doing all the mechanical work on your vehicle. Getting the best deal has nothing to do with the dealership’s service department, but if you plan on taking your new vehicle there for service, it just might play a part on how you shop. I let every one of my customers know that if they need ANY service to please call me in advance so I can make the service transition as fast and as painless as humanly possible. I can’t speak for others, but that’s how I do it!

Find out what the dealerships hours of operation are. One so-called “expert” tells readers to come in just prior to closing to get the “Best Deal.” Just like many of you, we (car sales people) have families too. By coming in at closing WILL NOT guarantee you the best deal, in fact, you will more than likely (if you buy) get hammered! Allow me to put it this way. After spending 12 to 16 hours out in the weather, whatever the conditions are, ready to go home to our family, and a customer comes in, honestly speaking, do you really think you will get the best deal? Just like you, we get tired too! A dealership definitely wants your business, but we also enjoy spending time with our families too. On more of a personal note, my family is without a doubt, priority! If you really want a great deal, then stop on in during normal hours of operation, but believe me, coming in at closing WILL NOT get you that deal!

Back to the dealerships hours of operation, if you want to walk around without a sales person walking with you, then stop by when it is closed. Remember, this is our job and every sales person has managements eyes peering down on them at all times. It is our job to properly welcome you and it is our JOB to walk around with you. What some folks don’t quite understand when they come onto a dealership’s property is that there is nothing there that they own. Basically, in a nut-shell, this is our (car sales people) property. We (car sales people) are the ones who have to make sure the vehicles are properly lined and we are the ones who have to walk around prior to closing to ensure that the vehicles are secure. Just like your job, we have to do ours as well. If you want to walk around freely without the assistance of a sales person, then the only way to do so is to come by when it is closed, if not, then you should expect and understand that we are going to walk with you, stride for stride.

Every single day, I hear folks say “I’m just looking!” I know when I owned a business prior to selling cars that I always stopped by some dealership just to “LOOK” at vehicles. Folks, every sales person in the industry hears that numerous times a day, every single day! Remember, we still have a job to do. Not to long ago, I approached a couple and the male half was extremely rude and sarcastic. Naturally, like millions of others, unlike most, he used profanity, and shouted, “We are just ******* looking!” Keeping a smile on my face, I simply replied back, “If all you want to do is look at vehicles, then go to Walmart. I’m sure there are plenty on their lot to look at!” NO sales person should have to endure vulgarity of any sorts, and I for one will never tolerate it, by anyone! Present day sales people are feeling the wrath from the old fast talking sales people of yesteryear who did every deceptive thing they possibly could do to obtain the sale. Those days are long over with! Yes, we do want the sale, but not just for today. We, as a rule, want to stay in the picture so that when you are ready, you will come back time after time. That wouldn’t be possible if we didn’t get you the “best deal” the first time, now would it? We want you to send us your family members and friends as well and all that wouldn’t be possible if you didn’t get the “best deal”, now would it? See, the times have changed and these so-called “experts” actually don’t have a clue as to how to tell you to get the best deal!

The biggest road to over come in finding your vehicle and obtaining the best deal is YOUR sales person. First and foremost, a car sales person DOES NOT have anything to do with the vehicle’s price. By standing at a vehicle and wanting to know the “best price” would be the same as telling your sales person it’s okay to lie! Folks, IT CAN’T BE DONE THAT WAY! I know I will not lie to anyone just to obtain the sale! If I know the answer, I’ll tell you, but if I don’t, I will seek out someone who does! It’s as simple as that! When you meet your sales person for the first time, you’ll know if he/she is listening to you. If your sales person isn’t listening to you, then it’s time for you to either leave or get another sales person. Just like in every career, there are sales people who fail to listen to what the cutomer is saying. That burns my chaps too! Unlike what one so-called “expert” states, believe it or not, most of us make the same commission from a $16,000.00 vehicle as with a $70,000.00 vehicle. So to us (car sales people) the price (cost) of the vehicle doesn’t matter, just you and finding the perfect vehicle is all that truly matters.

Some so-called “experts” tells us to wait until after “negotiating” the deal to slip in your trade. I can only laugh at their verbiage! Anyone can go check out the approximate value of his/her trade on-line. The key word here is “approximate.” No-one gets the retail value for their trade! Almost every dealership goes by the “fair trade-in value.” The reason being is if your trade will be refurbished for resale. The manager who places a price on your trade will deduct for mileage, dents, and anything else that has to be repaired in order for that customer who wants to purchase your trade will be getting a quality pre-owned vehicle. Can you get more by selling it yourself? Yes, but you would still have to pay for advertising and you would still have to pay to get the vehicle fixed, not to mention, you would have to pay the taxes from the sale too. If that’s not enough, like in most cities, you would still have to deal with the highway department. Now, that’s a headache within a headache! By trading in your vehicle, all you really are doing is passing on the responsiblity to the dealership. So, more than likely, you will not get your expected value from your trade. By waiting until the last second to announce your trade, all you are really doing is prolonging your stay at the dealership. The value of your trade is valued at present day market value and that value will not change…it is what it is!

Here is a scenario that we (car sales people) hear quite often. You want to trade-in your vehicle to which you still owe on. Often times, the customer owes more than the vehicle is worth, leaving the customer with negative equity. The customer wants to trade their older vehicle on one that is new with no money down and wanting to lower their payments. This is merely common sense here. That WILL NOT happen! In fantasy land, we all wish that could happen, but believe me, it NEVER does. You simply can’t go from something old into something new with no money down and expect your payment to be lowered. We (car sales people) deal with that all the time. I can’t speak for others, but I am pretty much straight forward and tell my customer right from the start that their payments will be higher. I don’t want to waste your time and I don’t want to waste mine either!

How about the interests rates? That’s a simple fix by any standard. Check with your local lending institution and see what rate they will offer you. Your rate will depend soley on your credit score. Banks compete each month to dealerships for their business. Once again, that’s based off of your credit score. Some banks, based off of a month to month agreement, are not even competitive. Just check with your bank and find out what rate they will offer you, and often times, the dealership can find another lending institution that can beat your bank’s rate.

You are the only one who knows of your credit worthiness. If you are like the vast majority of us, you have encountered some bumps and bruises. To expedite matters, you will need to bring your most recent pay-stubs, utility bill(s) indicating your home’s physical address, at least five references with physical addresses, payment information on the vehicle if you are trading it in, insurance card, and cash down. These are not the dealership’s requirements…these are the lending institution’s requirements.

Here is the truth concerning those cutomers who state, “I want the cash price!” Believe it or not, the dealership is going to get paid regardless if you pay cash or finance it. When it comes to the cost of the vehicle, everyone is the same. Just because you can afford to pay cash, believe it or not, there is NO special price for cash customers. Everyone wants and should get the best deal available. What some folks don’t quite understand is that the dealerships have costs too. Nobody works for free, and by no means, I certainly don’t either! I already know that nobody cares about the dealerships costs, and I for one don’t honestly give a rip either. Just like you, I go to work to support my family, but I am not going to just give a vehicle away. On the other hand, I am not going to try and rip your head off either. I want your business, not only for today, but the future as well. This doesn’t apply to those who come in at closing! Like I mentioned earlier, coming in at closing becomes more of a personal matter, cause now you have deducted from my family time. Respect has to be earned, not given, and that by any standards is a two way street!

Most sales people present day has to fill out some sort of work sheet. All this does is let the manager know what your intentions are. This is not an official contract. Up to this point, you have more than likely dealt with your sales person. All this worksheet does is paint a picture for the manager who has not met you yet. If you are financing a vehicle, then prior to going to the dealership, sit down and figure out your bills first. Go there with an idea of what you can afford. Most of us want that vehicle that is loaded with all the bells and whisltes, but the more the bells and whistles, the higher the price is and the higher your payment will be. Often times, that worksheet alone will tell the manager whether or not we are on the wrong vehicle. Once again, I can’t speak for others in my field, but once I know exactly what the customer wants, I always (if it is a loaded vehicle) let them know this simple fact alone will cause their payments to be higher. I always treat evey cusotmer the way I wanted to be treated when I was in the market for a new vehicle, but during those days, I was forced to deal with deceptive sales tactics. As stated earlier, those days are long gone!

Just like in any career, we (car sales people) still have some bad apples. The key to it all is whether or not your sales person is listening to your wants and needs. If you want to look at economical vehicles and they take you to a big SUV, then that should send a signal. Just leave or get another sales person…it’s that easy! I can only apologize for sales people like that. A true sales person present day has no respect for sales people like that. They make you sick and they make us sick too! Most present day dealerships when they find out that they have a distrustful sales person will fire them in a heartbeat. With the advancement of the automotive manufacturing with all their saftey standards, there is NO reason for ANY sale person to lie, or feel the need to! Once again, speaking only for myself, I will never bash a competitor’s vehicle. Every vehicle on the road today is valued by the person who is driving it. Only you can pick the vehicle of your choice, not a sales person. All I can do is open the door and explain some of the features. If you like it…GREAT, if not, then on to the next one! I always tell my customers I am the ugliest Vanna White (Wheel of Fortune) they’ll ever meet. I don’t have to look at the vehicle every day, I don’t have to drive it, and I certianly don’t have to pay for it either…you do. I remind my cutomers of that simple fact. All I (any car sales person) can do is show you the vehicle that YOU picked out. That’s it! I can’t make you buy it, but you can take it to the bank that I will ask you if you would. After all, that’s my job!

I have read a lot of articles that these so-called “experts” wrote about us (car sales people). I get tired of them blaming people like me who made this (car sales people) a profession of choice. Yes, we do have fun at times, but not with the customers we deal with. True, sometimes we get frustrated at our job, but then again, we all pretty much do. Our hours are long and we do a great deal of walking, but for the real sales person, it’s our customers who keep bringing us back day after day. There is no better feeling in the world than to help someone get the vehicle of their dreams. Yeah, I’m going to get paid for it, but knowing that I was part of the second largest investment of their life, second only to owning your own home, is absolutely rewarding. I cant’ speak for others, but I always send out letters, emails, and make phone calls to all of my customers just because I care, not because I have to. For all these so-called “experts” bashing car sales people, let it be known that you were a complete failure, probably due to the fact that you were more than likely the kind of sales person we, as true car sales people, find utterly disgusting!

Every car dealership will give you “their” best deal, but not every dealership will give you the best service, with service, I mean after the sale. Most of us have felt special while we were sitting there purchasing a vehicle, but awkwardly enough, once the sale was finalized, the “special” treatment was over too. This falls completely on the shoulders of your sales person. Did he/she call you to see if you had any quesitons or concerns? If not, call the dealership and speak with a manager. I know when I obtain a new customer and go over the vehicle with them, I realize that they are more than ready to leave the dealership so their attention span towards me will be somewhat shortened. I always call my customer to find out how everything is going the next day. Then I wait a couple of more days, then call them again. By this time, the customer usually has some questions concerning their new vehicle. A true sale person will always stay in touch with his/her customers, be it by phone, letters, or email. This is what makes this career a career…building it one customer at a time!

Remember, getting the “best deal” may not always get you the best service. With countless dealerships popping up everywhere, only you can discover what precisely is the best deal for you. Speaking only as a car sales person, I can’t wait for the day that the window sticker is the actual price. What you see is what you pay, plus tags, tax, and fees. That time is coming! You can’t go to Walmart, pick out an item that states $29.99, take it to the counter and say, “I’ll give you $10.00 for it.” Walmart passes on the taxes to us, the customers, and so does the dealerships. Every state gets paid for selling cars and they don’t even sell them. That’s just the painful truth! Why do dealerships charge non negotiable fees? Well, that’s a simple question that deserves a simple answer. With so many customers feeling that a dealership shouldn’t be allowed to make some form of profit, they have to charge these fees in order to pay people like me, not to mention, the utility bills as well. The parking lot lights don’t come on for free, the secretaries in the back offices don’t work for free, the people who detail your new vehicle don’t work for free, and I don’t work for free. We all, just like you, have to be paid. Just stop and think about this for one second. Regardless of your career, your employer must sell something, be it in the form of a product or service. In order for you to get paid, someone has to do the work. Welcome to my world, the world of a car sales person.

Last, but certainly not the least, a car sales person has nothing to do with ANY form of pricing, be it the new vehicle, your trade value, nor monthly payments. At many dealerships, they take the Privacy Act very seriously, and they should. Your sales person, more than likely, will have no clue as to what your credit score is, nor be allowed to look at your credit history. Your sales person can only get the numbers from what we call the desk. This is where the managers sit and pass out the prices. We, the car sales people, have NO access to their computers. Just like you, we anxiously await their response too. Once the numbers are given to us, then we have to present them to you. You will either agree or disagree! Even at this point, you still haven’t purchased anything yet. In most dealerships, you will be dealing with a manager simply because your sales person is just that, a sales person who has no knowledge of ANY pricing. Like I mentioned earlier, go to a dealership with a mental monthly payment you know you can afford. If you can’t afford it, then please don’t even consider it! You DON’T have to buy! Not only follow your heart, but get a good grasp on your wallet too.

In summary: Find out the dealerships hours of operation. Please don’t be misguided by coming in at closing thinking you will get a better deal. Remember, you are now dealing with very tired people who want to be with their families. Please don’t be fooled into thinking just because we are tired that you can slip one by us either. That’s not about to happen! If you purchase a vehicle after closing, I can almost guarantee you that you more than likely got taken to the cleaners!

If you want to look around, feel free to do so, but please do this when the dealership is closed. You can shop till you drop without anyone walking up to you, but if you come during the hours of operation, then please expect a sales person to approach you. That is our job and this is our lot, not yours. Remember, being polite never hurt anyone. I know I am always polite, but if a customer is rude to me, then you can take it to the bank he/she will get the rude treatment right back. There is no need to be rude, especially if you venture onto our lot to look at our vehicles during business hours. Just use common sense here folks. If you want to walk around without a sales person, then stop by when it is closed.

Please, and I probably can’t say please enough, but stop saying, “I’m just looking!” If I had a dollar every time I heard this, I would be a trillionaire. Either you are interested in a specific vehicle or you are not, but you are there for a reason, and we already know it. Some of the so-called “experts” makes us (car sales people) out to be liars, and one even says that we say, “Buyers are liars!” Yes, we do say that for some simple reasons. It’s the excuses customers make. We don’t have to lie about our product, so there’s no reason whatsoever for a present day car sales person to lie about. It is the customers who say that they will be back (the be-back bus) and never do. It is based off of those customers who say they will call, and they never do. It is from those customers who say they will bring back their wife/husband etc…, and never do. You see, some might call these excuses, but when you come right down to it, they are all lies. So, with that being said, who is telling a lie, the sales person or the customer? We (car sales people) didn’t come to your home or place of business, the customer came to ours.

Find the right sales person who is right for you. If he/she is not listening to your needs and wants, then either leave or get somebody else. Your sales person is the key to finding the right vehicle, but remember, your sales person has no control of ANY pricing whatsoever. Your sales person should have some product knowledge, but I for one can’t remember everything…nobody can.

On more of a personal note: Since I began a career of selling cars, after my retirement, I have been looked down upon as if this was the most disgraceful job in the world. Just remember this. People will always be buying cars more often than purchasing a home. What’s new today will be old tomorrow. This is one profession that is a guarantee anywhere I so desire. As a car sales person, I am extremely successful, and proud of it. I have built my clientel up one customer at a time and now have a huge network of trusted customers. Not all car sales people are alike, but that is true in every profession. I can only explain the proper way to purchase a vehicle, but nobody can outline the “perfect” deal. There are just too many circumstances outlining the final price. It could be your credit, the value of your trade, or the vehicle you picked out, all in all, your sales person doesn’t get paid unless you purchase the vehicle. Sometimes, the “best deal” is a package deal. I know with me, you not only get a sales person, but you also get someone who will stay with you long after the sale. Regardless, the choice is one that you and only you can make, not your sales person.

Karla News

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