The Herbal Remedy, Kelp is Certainly a Gift from the Sea


Little known facts

Kelp is from the sea. It’s harvested from many of the Earth’s oceans, including such places as California and Norway.

Since it comes from the sea, kelp contains many elements found in the ocean.

Kelp can be used for many great purposes for humanity, including nutrition.

Studies show that kelp contains algin, which in part helps to prevent breast cancer.

You might even call kelp a ‘Gift from the sea’ since its iodine properties make it useful in healthy functioning thyroid.

Asian peoples have been using kelp to treat genitor-urinary tract problems.

True effects

I noticed a great many changes when I started taking kelp. First of all, I was feeling healthier, and emotionally balanced.

The iodine in kelp can help in treating thyroid disorders, including obesity.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that kelp makes for an effective diet aid. Unfortunately, I wasn’t on this wondrous herb long enough to get the full blunt of its dieting powers. But I’m hoping I will get another chance in the near future to see if I can lose weight and feel great on kelp.

Kelp has the potential to reduce the poisoning from any environmental pollution. How do you ask? Well, it has something to do with increasing fecal bulk, and reducing cholesterol levels. Don’t ask me for a better explanation but given the bad air qualities in our major cities, I’d say that this is a great trait to have in any herb.

Kelp will help promote healthy hair growth, skin, and nails.

Kelp can aid in reducing enlarge prostates in older men, and reducing pain during urination.

Kelp may also give the nervous system some extra nutritional support.

Disorders, irritations, ailments, and bodily systems treated by Kelp

Acne (Thyroid imbalance) – This should be self-explanatory. But, in case you don’t know what acne is exactly, I’ll tell you. Acne or acne vulgaris is an inflammatory disease of the skin, made obvious by lesions commonly known as zits, pimples or spots.

Adrenal gland weakness

Anemia – Simply put, anemia is a deficiency of red blood cells. This can cause the blood to have trouble transporting oxygen to vital systems of the body.

Cleans arteries – An artery is a vessel that transports blood away from the heart to different parts of the body.

Arthritis – In case you don’t know what it is by now, let me clarify. Arthritis is when there is serious damage to joints in the body. There are certain kinds of arthritis; rheumatoid arthritis for example can be an autoimmune disease where the body will literally be attacking itself.

Prevention of birth defects – This should be self-explanatory.

Bursitis – You can’t explain this condition unless you know what a bursa is. A bursa is a sac lined with fluid and connective tissue. They can be found between tendons, and in your kneecaps, hips and elbows. Bursitis is when these sacs are inflamed.

Cancer – This is a disease we’ve all been introduced to in one way or another. But hardly anyone ever tells you how it works. Well, let me explain. Cancer is an unnatural division and propagation of cells. Plus, when you get too many cells growing in one place, they can invade and destroy other tissues. This disease can travel to all parts of the body, and form in many organs; such as, the kidneys, the lungs, the bladder and stomach.

Colitis – It’s simply a digestive disease linked with the colon.

Complexion – This should be self-explanatory. But in case it isn’t, here’s the definition. Your complexion is the appearance and general condition of the skin.

Debility – This should be self-explanatory. This is a condition in which the body is weak, and there is little to no strength.


Poor digestion – Digestion is the process in which the body converts foods into everything the body will need, including energy, vitamins, and minerals. Disorders include heartburn, ulcers, dyspepsia, Celiac Disease, and Crohn’s Disease.

Eczema – It’s a general term for cases of skin inflammation. If you have redness, oozing or crusted parts of your skin, you might just have some form of eczema. Bet you wanted to read all about eczema. I’m cruel, but I’m not that cruel.

Endocrine glands – In order to better understand endocrine glands, you really need to better understand what endocrine is. Endocrine is secreting internally; denoting a gland whose secretions are discharged into the bloom.

A gland is a secreting organ.

Energy – This should be self-explanatory.

Fatigue from low thyroid – This should be self-explanatory. But what the hell, I haven’t explained fatigue before, let’s talk about this condition now. Fatigue is when your body is afflicted with lethargia.

Fingernails – This should be self-explanatory. But in the off chance that you don’t know what they are, here’s the definition of fingernails. The fingernail is a horny plate on the dorsal surface of the tips of each finger.

Gallbladder – Located under the liver, this pear-shaped organ is essential for storing bile. But, every so often this important organ can be host to any number of disorders or diseases. You can have an hourglass condition in which your gallbladder is divided into two functioning halves. You also have a strawberry gallbladder condition in which the organ’s mucosa is red, and dotted with cholesterol.

Gas – This should be self-explanatory.

Enlarged glands

Goiter – Simply put, a goiter is the enlargement of the thyroid gland, leading to a visible swelling in the front of your neck. There are several types of goiters, including adenomatous goiters, colloid goiters, and toxic goiters.

Hair loss – This should be self-explanatory.

Headaches – This should be self-explanatory. But if it’s not, allow me to explain what a headache is. A headache or cephalalgia is simple a pain or ache in the head. You can have many kinds, including a blind headache or as it is more commonly known, a migraine headache. A cluster or histaminic headache is simply a recurring headache in the area right behind the eyes. Also, there are tension headaches and organic headaches.

Heart disease

Hypothyroidism – This is simply a deficiency in production of the thyroid gland, leading to lower metabolism, intolerance to cold, constipation, dry skin or even hair loss.

Infection – Living microorganisms that invade the body are infections. You can have a clinical infection in which the infection is so severe that the body starts showing signs and symptoms of diseases. Focial infections are when those little bastard bugs are confined to one area. Inapparent infections are infections that show no signs or symptoms – also known as subclinical. Latent infections are when those little microorganisms can’t even be detected by modern methods – the infection can flare up from time to time under certain conditions. And finally, there is terminal infections in which the infection strikes at the end of a disease, typically resulting in death.

Kidneys – Kidneys are the bean-shaped organs used to regulate acid-based concentrations and water balances in the tissues. But this significant organ can be host to any number of diseases or disorders. Problems include scarred kidney tissue, degeneration, abnormally placed kidneys, floating kidneys, stones, and blood deficient kidneys.

Lead poisoning

Leg cramps – Cramps are simply painful muscle spasms that most commonly occur in the legs.

Menopause – Mostly a condition for women, commonly occurring between 45 and 50 years old, menopause is the death of menstruation. Symptoms include hot flashes, headaches, and vulvar discomfort.

Morning sickness – This should be self-explanatory.

Problems with nails – This should be self-explanatory.

Obesity – This is when you have an excessive amount of fat stored in the subcutaneous tissues.

Pancreas – The soft gland located behind the stomach, the pancreas helps in the digestion of food, and produces such hormones as insulin and glucagon, regulating the blood sugar levels in the bloodstream.

Pituitary gland – Also called hypophysis, this gland of internal secretion found in the hypophysial fossa of the sphenoid bone that is attached to the brain by a short stalk.

Pregnancy – If you have a big belly and there’s no explanation, you could easily be pregnant. That means you’ve got a baby growing in your belly.

Prostate gland (tones) – The prostate gland is a gland similar in size and shape to a chestnut generally found in men. Disorders of the prostrate include hypertrophy or enlargement of the prostrate gland, and prostatitis or simply an inflammation of the prostrate.

Psoriasis – A disease in which the skin will become reddish and scaly – in small patches or large patches, Psoriasis is infectious and can spread to cover a great portion of the human body. This can be confused with leprosy. The skin appears sickly, but it’s not as much lethal as it is a pain in the butt. Regardless, it’s not something I would want growing over my body.

Radiation poisoning

Low thyroid – Low thyroid or hypothyroidism is simply a deficiency in production of the thyroid gland, leading to lower metabolism, intolerance to cold, constipation, dry skin or even hair loss.

Tumors – A tumor is a mass growth of tissues.

Low vitality

Water retention

Herbal First Aide

Online distributers

No home should be without this recipe for an herbal first aide kit.

You must have Aloe Vera. The gel from the plant’s leaves will help in relieving pain, and healing burns and cuts. Believe me, I know this works.

Also, you should have Arnica. Another healing gel that will take the blue out of bruises.

Take Calendula. When taken as a tea, this dry leaf will help clean cuts.

For indigestion, anxiety and insomnia, take some Chamomile in tea form.

You should most definitely take Echinachea if you want to treat the flu or the common cold.

Gingerroot is great for relaxing the stomach, killing nausea, and putting an end to motion sickness.

Keep a bottle of Witch Hazel handy to stop infections, and heal minor burns and rashes.

Herbal Resources

The Herb Book by John Lust
The Prescription for Nutritional Healing by Phyllis Balch
Back to Eden, 2nd Revised Edition by Jethro Kloss & Promise K. Moffet
Children’s Herbal Health by Deanne Tenney
Green Pharmacy Herbal Handbook by James Duke, Ph.D
Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine by Michael Nurray, N.D.
Herbally Yours by Penny C. Royal
A Modern Herbal by Mrs. Grieve
Desk Reference to Nature’s Medicine by Steven Foster and Rebecca L. Johnson

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