Categories: Alternative Medicine

Tea Tree Essential Oil and Aromatherapy

Tea Tree oil is best known for its impressive disinfectant and antiseptic properties – it kills germs and bacteria. The antiseptic properties were discovered centuries ago by Australian Aborigines who used it to treat many bacterial and fungal infections.

Tea Tree Oil is native to New South Wales, Australia and Tasmania. European explorers used the leaves of this tree to make tea, thus is became known as the Tea Tree. The actual tree itself grows to about 23 feet high. It has small needle-like leaves and yellow or purplish flowers that resemble a bottle brush. Another variety, often referred to as a swamp tree, produces white hanging flowers on a long spike. The oil, however, is steam distilled from the twigs and leaves which have a significant aromatic odor. The oil itself is somewhat similar to eucalyptus.

Characteristics of Tea Tree Essential Oil

Tea Tree Oil is a pale yellow liquid. It has a strong fragrance, reminiscent of something medicinal, or like a blend of juniper and cypress. The fragrance has both a cooling and head-clearing effect. Poor quality Tea Tree oil supposedly smells like melted rubber.

The Impressive Properties of Tea Tree Oil

The extensive properties of Tea Tree oil include: antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, antiviral, fungicidal, parasiticidal and immunostimulant. No first aid kit should be without it.

Therapeutic Effects of Tea Tree Essential Oil

Tea Tree oil is a strong disinfectant and antiseptic. It is ideal for skin conditions such as athlete’s foot, burns, cold sores, mouth ulcers, thrush and warts. It is also effective for respiratory ailments such as bronchitis and laryngitis.

Infections – Tea Tree oil treats lung, genital, urinary, vaginal, sinus, mouth and respiratory infections – work with a naturopathic physician or herbologist. When Tea Tree oil comes in contact with blood or pus, its antiseptic properties actually increase. It is also used to reduce mouth infections – look for Tea Tree oil as a toothpaste and mouthwash ingredient.

Boost to the Immune System – studies have shown that Tea Tree oil boosts production of the immune system’s interleukin. It is also know to reduce tumors, and inflammation.

Uses of Tea Tree Oil

Mouthwash – Diluted in water, Tea Tree oil can be used to soothe and heal ulcers. Rinse only — do not swallow.

Aromatherapy – Inhale Tea Tree oil to alleviate respiratory conditions such as bronchitis and laryngitis. Inhalation will also help with colds and flu. From an emotional standpoint, the scent of Tea Tree oil builds strength. It is effective before an operation and during postoperative shock

Cosmetic Skin Use – Tea Tree oil clears up oily skin and hair. Shampoos with Tea Tree alleviate dandruff and scalp dermatitis.

In a high concentration – Use caution! Test a small area of your skin before using an all-out application of Tea Tree oil. Also, be sure to use good quality, high grade Tea Tree oil. Buying cheap, adulterated or modified versions will not help your condition and may cause irritation or have other adverse effects. After a successful skin test, dab a dilution of Tea Tree oil on cold sores, ringworm, acne, abscesses, warts, burns, wounds, insect bites or stings, diaper rash, scabies, athlete’s foot fungus, or other bacterial or fungal infections. Fingernail fungal infections are helped by Tea Tree oil as well.

Virus treatment – a 3% concentration has been shown to effectively treat herpes simplex virus. It can also be used on shingles and chicken pox viruses.

Head Lice – Research has found Tea Tree kills mites and ticks, and is one of the best essential oils to destroy head lice.

Pets – Tea Tree can be used as a remedy for fleas on pets.

Foot Bath – Deodorizer and antiseptic for the feet.

Other Species and Subspecies of Tea Tree Oil

Cajeput – The name means “white bark.” It is a vein decongestant and is considered harsher than tea tree oil.

MQV – This species smells sweeter than Tea Tree, works for respiratory problems and is considered a good immune system tonic. It works wonderfully in an aromatherapy diffuser.

Niaouli – This species is especially effective in fighting viruses such as the herpes virus. It’s fragrance is sweeter and more pleasant than regular Tea Tree oil.

Manuka – This species is very antiseptic and antifungal. It is used especially for lung and urinary tract infections. It is quite effective on skin infections such as Staphyloccus and ringworm. It is also an effective antiviral against herpes simplex virus. This oil is also an antioxidant, antihistamine, lung expectorant and anti-inflammatory. It is also known to effectively relax the mind and relieve anxiety.

Lemon Tea Tree – This is another type of Manuka but it has a refreshing citrus scent. It is quite effective for treating acne, oily skin, insect bites and respiratory problems. It has antiseptic properties as well.

Blending with Tea Tree Essential Oil

Tea Tree blends well with eucalyptus, lemon, lavender, marjoram, pine and rosemary.

Pricing and Availability

Tea Tree essential oil is widely available at a moderate price range. To be sure you are getting good quality oil, shop at Whole Foods or on-line through Aura Cacia (a company specializing in essential oil use and production).

Tea Tree oil has been in the first aid kits of many doctors and soldiers for centuries. It should be in your first aid kit as well. It is an all-natural, effective way to treat a variety of viral, bacterial and fungal infections.

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