Categories: Beauty

Budget Friendly Beauty Tips for Teens

If you are a teen, you don’t have to spend a lot of money on beauty products. There are plenty ways to save money without giving up the beauty treatments you love. Here are 11 budget friendly beauty tips for teens.

1. Get plenty of sleep. As a teen, you need more than 8 hours of sleep at night. However, many teens short change themselves on sleep, assuming they can catch up on weekends. Unfortunately, this strategy is ineffective. To look your best, be sure to get enough sleep every night. The best thing about this cheap beauty trick is that is costs nothing.

2. Save on makeup by using as little as possible. Youth is attractive unadorned and usually doesn’t need makeup to enhance it. Use no or minimal makeup most days. A little mascara, concealer to hide blemishes, a little powder or tinted moisturizer and lip gloss should do the trick.

3. Shave your legs with hair conditioner. This is a terrific budget friendly beauty tip that not only eliminates the cost of shaving cream, but will soften the hair on your legs, moisturize your skin, and keep your razor unclogged.

4. If you like to use a skin toner, replace expensive store-bought products with witch hazel.

5. Soften your skin with a homemade facial. Mash an avocado, add a few tablespoons of honey and apply this mixture to your face. Leave it on for 15 minutes then rinse thoroughly.

6. Save on hair-care products by using natural ingredients that you can find at home. To get your hair squeaky clean and eliminate product buildup, rinse it with a vinegar solution (1/4 cup of vinegar and ¾ cup of water). Use mayonnaise as hair conditioner and moisturizer. To get the full benefit, massage the mayonnaise into your hair, put a shower cap over it and leave it on for 15 minutes. Then rinse your hair thoroughly and shampoo. Another moisturizing hair rinse is to massage a banana mashed with a teaspoon of almond oil into your hair, leave it on for 20 minutes, then rinse.

7. Save on hot oil treatments for your hair with olive oil. Rinse your hair with warm water, warm a tablespoon of olive oil in your hands and then massage it into your hair and scalp. Repeat this process until olive oil has been massaged into all of your hair and your entire scalp. Put on a shower cap and keep if on at least half an hour. Then rinse your hair well and shampoo it as you normally would.

8. Skip expensive teeth whiteners and instead make a paste by combining a little baking soda with a touch of hydrogen peroxide. Brush your teeth with this mixture once a week or more. You’ll save plenty with this cheap beauty trick.

9. Fight acne with a facial mask made of brewer’s yeast and plain yogurt.

10. Drink plenty of water rather than sugary soft drinks. It’s better for your skin, can help flush toxins from your body, has no calories and costs a lot less.

11. Use an inexpensive body wash. Otherwise, you’ll just be washing money down the drain. In my experience the less expensive products work just as well as the highly advertised brands.

Sources:, Cheap Beauty Tricks, Frugal Beauty Tips – Beauty Treatments at Home, Modern Molly Mormon: Cheap Beauty Tips, Low budget beauty tips, 20 Beauty Secrets Every Teen Should Know, Homemade Beauty Recipes


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