
Fizogen’s Blitz Cycle: Product Review

A forty dollar creatine-based bodybuilding supplement, Fizogen's Blitz Cycle has a lot of competition in the market. There are a…

2 weeks ago

Creatine Monohydrate: What it Does, How it is Used, and Personal Results

What is Creatine? Creatine monohydrate is one of the most widely used performance enhancing supplements on the market, especially among…

5 months ago

The Facts about Creatine

Creatine is by far the most tested and researched sports nutrition product in history. Since its original distribution in the…

5 months ago

A Simple Look at Creatine Phosphate and How it Works to Maintain High Intensity Exercise Activity

During exercise, hydrolysis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to adenosine diphosphate (ADP) provides energy for muscles to contract and generate force…

6 months ago

Creatine and DHEA: Worth the Money and the Muscle?

Creatine and DHEA are two fitness supplements that are highly touted and very popular. The fitness craze shows no signs…

8 months ago

Controlled Labs Green Magnitude Review

Controlled Labs Green Magnitude is part of the Controlled Labs stack (Green Magnitude, White Flood, and Purple Wraath) that I…

2 years ago

How Supplements and Nutritional Secrets Assist P90X

It is often said that knowledge is power, and that power is money. This is exactly what Tony Horton uses…

2 years ago

7 Tips for Stimulating Muscle Growth

If you are having trouble building muscle, try using some of these techniques to trick your body into growing: 1)…

2 years ago

Promera Sports Health & Fitness Products

Promera sports has sent me samples of three of their great products: Gluta-Tren, Con-Cret, and Beta-Cret. I have been very…

3 years ago

The Benefits of Creatine to Athletes and Weightlifters (but Especially Weightliters)

In an effort to combat the effects of the winter -- which in my case include slowing down and eating…

4 years ago

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