Caffeine Free

Removing Caffeine from Your Diet

"Look I'm a little slow today. I just switched to Sanka, so have a heart." - Mr. Vargas, Fast Times…

6 hours ago

Nesquik VS. Ovaltine

What kid doesn't love chocolate milk? When I got the assignment from Associated Content to write reviews of two companies,…

1 week ago

How Caffeine Effects Your Body

Being a full-time college student and often working full-time plus not living with my parents has made caffeine a very…

2 weeks ago

Raspberry Leaf Tea for Weight Loss

Organic Raspberry Leaf tea is supposed to support the "female system," treating women with irregular menstruation and cramps. But can…

4 weeks ago

20 Herbal Stimulants Found in Caffeine-Free Diet Pills

Just because theon a diet pill reads "caffeine-free" does not mean there are no stimulants in the formula.…

3 months ago

Rooibos Tea: Caffeine-Free African Tea

Known for centuries only to tribes in South Africa, rooibos tea (pronounced ROY-boss) has created a buzz among American herbal…

4 months ago

Too Much Caffeine, the Side Effects and How I Kicked My Caffeine Habit

It is said that too much caffeine isn't good for you. I didn't care, I loved it anyway. I loved…

2 years ago

Natural Ways to Cure a Caffeine Addiction

You're pushing your fifth cup of coffee for the day, and are certain you can make it until morning without…

3 years ago

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