Categories: Fitness & Exercise

Surviving Your First Spin Class

With the New Year just behind us and our resolutions made, many might start seeking outlets to get into shape. You will find many classes at the gym ranging from stretching, to strength training to spin. I believe the number one reason people do not go to the gym is fear. Fear of the pain and the unknown. I think if you have a better understanding of what to wear, and what to expect your fears might diminish. Today I’m going to walk you through a typical day in a spin class. I have been taking one two times a week for the last six months, and wished someone had clued me in before I embarrassed myself.

Lets talk about what to wear; this is not the class you dress to show off for. Trust me especially the ladies, one of my first classes I showed up in rather short shorts thinking I looked great. While I probably did, I soon regretted my decision. Lets just say in terms to keep this PG that I had a bit of a rash on my inner legs from the seat. With that said I recommend either pants or a longer pair of shorts. If you really want to dress the part you can find biker shorts, they look like spandex shorts but have pads in the most important areas. If you are of the male species they also sell a sort of outfit called a slingshot, think Borat but with shorts on the bottom. I do not have a lot of experiences with these sorry guys. I usually find I do great in a nice cool pair of shorts that are about middle thigh length. That brings us to shoes, you can choose to wear a pair of comfortable but supportive sneakers or purchase a pair of bike shoes. Bike shoes simply have spikes in the bottom under the toes, which lock into the bikes peddles. But don’t worry if you choose to wear your comfy tennis shoes they will snap in nicely to the pedals as well. Most importantly make sure you are dressed so you will be cool it does get hot, and don’t forget your towel and water bottle.

The first time at your class, allow your self-10 or 15 minutes prior to class start to set up your bike. After a few times it will be easy as you will know all the right heights and adjustments and will be able to set up in minutes. Your first adjustment will be the seat height; you want to make sure that when your peddling your leg extends almost straight with out locking your knee. A little bend when your leg is fully extended is right where you will like to have it. The next adjustment is the handle bar height; this can be adjusted to what feels best for you, however I like to have it almost parallel to my seat height. Third you can adjust the handlebars wither closer or further way from your self, again depending on what feels comfortable to you. That’s it; make sure you take note of your adjustments so you will be ready at your next class.

Now that I’ve told you what to wear, and how to adjust your bike I’m sure your wondering what you’re going to do at a typical class. Now remember a lot of classes many vary but I will tell you about my experience which will give you a good understanding of what to expect. The lights in the class are normally dimmed and your instructor will play music of their choice geared to the workout. You start off with little to no resistance on the wheel to get your self-warmed up. This is a good time to stretch your arms, neck and back to get prepared for the ride. Then your work out might include standing while riding, sprinting, hill climbs, jumps, or pushups. A typical class will last anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour, don’t worry it doesn’t seem that long once your there.

Now that I’ve told you exactly what to wear, what to bring and what to expect I think you are now ready to venture out and try a class your self. If your still nervous bring a friend that always helps, as there is someone just as nervous as you close by. Enjoy and here is to many more spinning classes in your future.

Karla News

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