Categories: Dieting & Weight Loss

Review of Muir Glen Organic Four Cheese Pasta Sauce

I do not normally choose tomato sauces with cheeses in them as dairy is something that I have been slowly introducing to my son but the other day I chose a four cheese pasta sauce. It had been some time some time since I had even added grated cheese to my own pasta dishes that I wasn’t sure what to expect. We have been trying to buy as much as we can organic and some how cheeses have yet to make it to the organic side of our grocery list but this pasta sauce was certified organic so I assumed that the cheeses used in it must be organic and so I decided to try it. The sauce was a jar of Muir Glen Organic Four Cheese Pasta Sauce.

It wasn’t until I had got home that I thought about the fact that there are many foods that are certified organic that do not have one hundred percent organic ingredients. I nervously wondered if the cheeses in the sauce were going to be organic or not. A quick glance at the ingredients put my mind at ease. In the Muir Glen Organic Four Cheese Pasta Sauce there are the ingredients organic tomato puree, made of water and organic tomato paste, organic onions, organic provolone cheese, organic romano cheese, organic parmesan cheese, organic farmer’s cheese, nautral milled organic sugar, organic extra virgin olive oil, sea salt, organic sweet basil, organic garlic, organic black pepper, organic fennel, organic oregano and naturally derived citric acid. The ingredients of the indivisual cheeses were also listed, all of which were made from organic cultured milk, salt and enzymes. The farmer’s cheese also listed that it was made from organic skim milk and the romano cheese’s lists of ingredients specified that the cheese was made with cow’s milk. I was very happy to see that all four cheese were organic as well as the other ingredients. After examining the ingredients I decided to take a look at the nutrition facts.

One thing that I was looking forward to when it came to the nutrition of this pasta sauce was the amount of calcium that it contains. I assumed that something that has four different cheeses in it, and the cheeses are the third, fourth, fifth and sixth thing listed in the ingredients, that there must be a good amount of calcium in the sauce. The Muir Glen Organic Four Cheese Pasta Sauce did have three times as much calcium as the average pasta sauce without cheese so that was nice. In one half of a cup of this pasta sauce there are eighty calories with twenty calories from fat. Both the calories from fat and general calories are higher from the cheese and there was five milligrams of cholesterol in this sauce, something you don’t often see in your basic pasta sauce. There was also three hundred and eighty milligrams of sodium per half a cup of sauce. Tomatoes are naturally high in sodium but again your basic pasta sauce is going to have probably twenty to thirty less milligrams. I image that the cheeses, that are made with salt, aid to this increase. There is eleven grams of carbohydrates, two grams of fiber, three grams of sugars and four grams of protein also in the serving size of half of a cup. In addition to the six percent of your daily need of calcium there was also eight percent of what you need for iron and fifteen percent of what you need for both vitamin A and vitamin B. The protein was definitely higher on account of the cheese which was a positive thing, overall all the nutrition facts looked pretty good.

Now knowing what to expect from the ingredients and nutrition facts the only last thing to do was to taste the pasta sauce. After trying out the Muir Glen Organic Four Cheese Pasta Sauce I thought that it tasted pretty good. It was a bit thicker, understandably from the use of cheeses in the ingredients, which I thought was a nice change. It was nicely seasoned and overall had a nice flavor. I didn’t find any of the cheeses’ tastes to be too overwhelming but if I was going to recommend this product to anyone I would be sure to ask them if they disliked provolone, romano, parmesan or farmer’s cheese. Even though I liked this sauce I don’t see myself getting it too often, as each twenty five and a half ounce jar costs three dollars and forty nine cents. Plus knowing me I would choose a variety that had the best nutrition facts, which I don’t believe is this pasta sauce, when this brand of pasta sauces goes on sale. All in all though I am glad that I decided to try this pasta sauce and enjoyed it.

Karla News

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