Categories: Parenting

Review: Children’s Triaminic Thin Strips

Everyone in my family had the flu this past winter. And, as a result, our house looks a little bit like a pharmacy. Despite this, I was unable to find anything to take when I went looking for a cold medicine last night. That’s why I ended up taking one of my daughter’s Children’s Triaminic Thin Strips.

I’m not extremely sick. But, my wife and oldest daughter both have colds and I have come down with the sniffles. It’s nothing too serious, just a runny nose and a slight cough. That’s why I ended up trying the thin strips. They were meant for kids, obviously, but I couldn’t justify taking something stronger when I wasn’t running a fever, didn’t have chest congestion or any other major symptom.

I want to start out by saying the Children’s Triaminic Thin Strips taste terrible (nothing like the grape flavoring it advertised). And, they leave a bad aftertaste in your mouth. So, if you have a child who is reluctant to take one of these, that’s probably why. I know I certainly did not enjoy it; especially since it took several seconds to dissolve on my tongue. I desperately needed a drink after taking it.

I will say this about the thin strips, however, they do work.

Obviously, I’m older and heavier than the children this medicine is expected to treat. Because of that, I wasn’t expecting much in terms of results; just a little bit of relief so I could sleep with the intention of buying something else in the morning.

So, imagine my surprise when the thin strip exceeded my expectations. I started noticing a difference after about 10 minutes. My nose wasn’t running. I wasn’t coughing as much and my throat was no longer scratchy. I couldn’t believe it.

More importantly, it kept my symptoms under control for a few hours. I was able to get a decent night’s sleep (relatively speaking, I still had to get up with the baby in the middle of the night) instead of fighting to get comfortable.

In fact, it worked so well, I ended up taking one before work and I’m considering buying another box for myself.

If you have kids with a slight cold and are looking for something to give them a bit of relief from their cough and runny nose, this is a product I would recommend. If it worked for me then it should work for someone much smaller than me too.

Karla News

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