Categories: Crafts & Hobbies

Reupholster a Round Footstool

With the recent addition of a new love seat in my living room, I decided to craft a new cover for my footstool. It sits right next to the love seat, and the old fabric didn’t seem to blend at all.

I used upholstery samples that I picked up at a yard sale, but you could use any heavy-duty fabric, or upholstery scraps left over from previous decorating projects.

Note: This project can be done with any round footstool with legs attached to the bottom. The measurements given are for my footstool, but I have included details on figuring measurements for your own.

Things You Will Need:

Round footstool
Measuring tape
Upholstery fabric
Straight pins
Sewing machine
Matching sewing thread
Staple gun

Step 1
Measure the top of your footstool, over the edges and under the bottom edge an inch on each side. Mine measured 27 inches. I divided that total by four. The new measurement was 6 3/4 inches. I added a 1/2 inch for seam allowance. My ending measurement was 7 1/4 inches. Remember, if you do this project, your stool will have unique measurements.

Step 2
Cut 16 squares using you ending measurement for the size of the squares. I cut squares from a variety of upholstery samples in colors that would blend with my living room.

Step 3
Once cut, arrange the blocks in a patchwork layout of four squares across and four squares down. Using a 1/4-inch seam allowance, sew the squares together.

Step 4
Ironing upholstery fabric can be a little scarey. Many upholstery fabrics will scorch and melt very quickly. Instead of ironing, press the seams open with your fingers.

Step 5
Top stitch along each side of each seam using a thread color that coordinates with the fabrics. The top stitching is decorative on the top of the cover, while it serves to secure the seams flat on the back.

Step 6
Lay the cover wrong side up on your work surface. Turn the footstool upside down and center it on the cover.

Step 7
Starting in the center on one edge of the cover, fold the edge over the bottom edge of the footstool. Secure the cover’s edge using a staple gun. Continue this process, alternating between opposite edges until you have all four of the centers (on each edge of the square cover) equally spaced and attached to the footstool. Staple the edges of the cover that are still loose between the four initial staples. Since the stool is round, the edges of the cover will not be right at the edge of the footstool in all areas.

Step 8
After the cover is completely secured with staples, trim off the excess fabric along the staple line. This cleans up the bottom of the footstool and prevents raggedy edges from being seen when the footstool is standing right side up.

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