Rare Nonmelanoma Skin Cancers

There are other nonmelanoma skin cancers besides just basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. Following is information on several rare nonmelanoma skin cancers.

Rare Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer – Kaposi Sarcoma. This is a rare cancer that affects the lining of blood vessels and the skin. The reddish brown or blueish skin lesions are most likely to be seen on the legs and feet, though lesions can be found anywhere on the body, even internally on organs.

Causes & Treatment. This rare skin cancer is caused by one of the herpes viruses and is more prevalent in those with weakened immune systems, such as those with HIV or who have had transplants. For most types of Kaposi sarcoma, radiation, chemotherapy and/or surgery may be used. For certain types of this rare skin cancer, cryosurgery and biologic therapy may be necessary.

You can learn more about Kaposi sarcoma from the National Cancer Institute.

Rare Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer – Cutaneous Angiosarcoma. This rare skin cancer usually looks like a bruise that continues to get larger or an ulcerated area most frequently found on the head, neck or face. It is more frequent in elderly men.

Causes & Treatment. Cutaneous Angiosarcoma is thought to be caused by excessive exposure to radiation. This rare skin cancer spreads quickly and easily to other areas of the body. Although the lesions can be surgically removed, overall prognosis is poor.

You can read more about cutaneous angiosarcoma from emedicine.

Rare Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer – Anogenital Carcinoma. This rare skin cancer is limited to the anal and genital area. It is usually identified by multiple lesions that resemble warts in the affected area.

Causes & Treatment. Anogenital carcinoma can be caused by the HPV or herpes viruses and a weakened immune system, such as those who have had transplants. Depending on the severity of this rare skin cancer, treatment usually consists of surgically removing the lesions. Radiation or chemotherapy may also be necessary.

You can read more about anogenital carcinoma from the University of California, San Fransisco, School of Medicine.

Rare Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer – Merkel Cell Carcinoma. The skin lumps in this rare skin cancer may resemble a cyst, are painless and can be colored pink, red, blue or purple.

Causes & Treatment. This rare skin cancer is believed to be cause by excessive UV exposure along with a weakened immune system, and mainly occurs in those over 50 years of age. Merkel cell carcinoma spreads very quickly and can move into lymph nodes and other organs. Lesions are generally surgically removed, as well as any affected lymph nodes.

You can read more about Merkel cell carcinoma from the National Cancer Institute.

Rare Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer – Sebaceous Gland Carcinoma. This skin cancer is also seen as a hard, painless bump on the skin. It is most likely seen on the eyelid and may resemble a sty. As it begins in the oil glands, it can spread rapidly through the body.

Causes & Treatment. Though the causes of this rare skin cancer are mostly unknown, it can develop from lumps in the sebaceous glands, excessive exposure to radiation and having other cancers. Treatment can be by surgery, radiation therapy or topical chemotherapy.

You can read more about sebaceous gland carcinoma at Cancer Research UK.

Rare Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer – Cutaneous Lymphomas. There are many types of cutaneous lymphomas. The identification varies as lesions can appear as a rash, patches or bumps and may look like other skin conditions. It is more common in men and those over 50 years of age.

Causes & Treatment. There may be different causes for these rare skin cancers, but excessive exposure to the sun or exposure to certain chemicals may play a role. Treatment varies depending on the type of cutaneous lymphoma, but they may include phototherapy with ultraviolet light, radiation therapy, chemotherapy and topical or ingested medications.

You can get more information on cutaneous lymphomas from the Cutaneous Lymphoma Foundation.

Rare no melanoma skin cancers can be confused with other skin conditions or other forms of skin cancer. If you have any changes in the skin you should be checked by a qualified physician. When detected and treated early, there is a good prognosis for most of the listed rare nonmelonoma skin cancers.


National Cancer Institute; General Information about Kaposi Sarcoma

Emedicine; Angiosarcoma

University of California, San Fransisco, School of Medicine; Types of Skin Cancers

National Cancer Institute; Merkel Cell Carcinoma Questions and Answers

Cancer Research UK; What Is a Sebaceous Gland Carcinoma?

Cutaneous Lymphoma Foundation; Home Page

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