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Poisonous Snakes in South Carolina

People often wonder what kind of poisonous snakes they may encounter in their outdoor activities, and here are the ones that live in South Carolina. It is of a particular interest to me as I live in North Carolina and we have a few of our own poisonous snakes of our own. I spend a good bit of time in our sister state to the South so I did a bit of research on the subject.

According to there are 6 species of poisonous snakes in South Carolina. Three of them, Eastern Diamondback, Timber and Carolina Pygmy Rattlesnake are of course Rattlesnakes. The next 3 types of poisonous snakes in SC are the Copperhead, the Cottonmouth and the Eastern Coral Snake.

Some rather brave (crazy?) people in South Carolina even go hunt snakes on purpose. Of course the only time I ever got snake bit myself was because I stupidly picked one up. It was non poisonous and only scared me. Lesson learned and filed away for future use.

This site has some information and pictures of snakes in South Carolina and Georgia and of course the Snakesandfrogs site listed earlier in this article has great pictures. And while I am passing links out. This Squidoo page has nice info and pictures about poisonous snakes in general.

The good thing about the 3 types of Rattlesnakes in SC is that they will at least try to warn you of their presence by rattling. The one problem is that the Pygmy Rattlesnake is so small that the rattles are hard to hear.

The Eastern Coral snake is the one that scares me. Remember this when trying to decide if it is a poisonous snake rather than a harmless lookalike snake. “Red and Yellow, Kill a Fellow” meaning if the rings have Red and Yellow touching it is the Coral snake. These little beasties actually chew on you, latching on to inject as much venom as possible into the wound. Another worrisome fact is that it can take up to 12 hours for the bite to show any ill effects for the chomped one.

The Copperhead is probably the most plentiful in South Carolina and they can be found anywhere. The Cottonmouth is primarily a water snake and will be found in or near lakes, creeks, swamps or wherever there is water.

The thing to remember though is that these are NOT evil creatures. They won’t attack you unless provoked and will flee at the first opportunity.

If you are worried about dangerous snakes around your home there are some things you can do. Clear away brush away from your home, snakes like cover to hide in. Don’t have anything lying about that will attract rodents (even Squirrels). Snakes eat rodents thus if you have rats you will likely have snakes. Also a solid fence could deter some snakes but I have see blacksnakes clime fences, buildings and trees. Also seal any cracks in the foundation of your home if you don’t want them in the house with you!

I hope this article about Poisonous snakes in South Carolina has been some help and thanks for visiting


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