Categories: Alternative Medicine

Natural Cancer Cure: Man Who Cured Lung Cancer Talks to AC

Carl Helvie was given six months to live – 31 years ago, after being diagnosed with lung cancer. He refused surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, and turned instead to natural cancer cures. Two years later the lung cancer was gone; he had cured the cancer himself. Lung cancer is the top cancer killer of both men and women.

Conventional medical treatment for lung cancer consists of surgery to remove part or all of the cancerous lung; chemotherapy and radiation. Doctors don’t recommend a natural cancer cure. They may know of a natural cancer cure, but why would doctors recommend natural cancer cures when they can’t make a profit off of natural cancer treatments?

Describe your own medical background.

I’m a registered nurse with two masters and a doctorate in public health and wellness, a new book titled “Healthy Holistic Aging,” and 55 years’ experience as a nurse practitioner, educator, author, and researcher. I started using a holistic approach with clients and in my own life 31 years ago when I was diagnosed with lung cancer and told by my primary physician I would be dead in six months. I have continued to use this approach, and now at age 75 I am free of chronic illnesses and prescribed medications.

What treatment did your physician recommend?

Surgery and chemotherapy. However, a friend referred me to a physician in Northern Virginia who had treated with laetrile at the National Institute of Health, and had so much success he continued with this privately when that program ended. He recommended laetrile and a special diet and supplements.

Why did you reject conventional medical treatment for your lung cancer?

I shunned traditional chemo and surgery and went 100 percent holistic. I believe cutting often spreads the cancer, and I have seen people so debilitated from chemotherapy that I did not want to subject myself to that.

Did you tell your doctor what you were up to?

My primary doctor saw me every three months when I had X-rays taken, but I did not tell him I was doing anything because I knew he would not understand.

Were these visits just to track the tumor?

It was to follow the progress of the tumor. He did tell me that I should have treatment at these follow-up visits, but I told him I wanted to see how it progressed without treatment.

Over time, did the X-rays show a shrinking tumor? Over how long a period were you going in for these X-rays?

I do not know if the tumor shrank, but know that after going for q 3 month for X-rays for two years, the doctor said he had made the wrong diagnosis. I do not know if it shrank or did not grow further.

At the end of the two years he said he guessed he made the wrong diagnosis (even though there were biopsies and other tests). I then took the biopsy report, X-rays and other tests to a friend who was a physician in charge of Blue Cross-Blue Shield for the state of North. He confirmed that it was definitely cancer.

Why is the medical industry so opposed to natural cancer treatments?

Many in the medical establishment are hesitant to recommend this approach because their medical training is oriented to drugs and surgery, and they may be unfamiliar with the success of alternative treatment. The drug companies continue to make a lot of money from treating diseases including cancer with drugs and continue to try to influence medical practice in the direction of drugs, beginning in medical school. They provide lots of free samples to physicians, and also finance much research.

In the 1930’s and 40’s, a man named Hoxsey successfully treated more patients with cancer (using herbs) than other practitioners using traditional treatment in the USA. After being harassed by the FDA and the medical profession, he was taken to court, and a 10-man medical team reviewed his records and interviewed his patients, and concluded he had many more patients who survived and a higher standard of care than others in the profession. He was exonerated by the Court, but continued to be harassed by the FDA and medical profession, and finally moved from the USA to Mexico.

It was a similar story for Renee Caisse, who was a public health nurse in Canada who used herbs with her cancer patients. She was very successful but was also harassed. So I believe the main opposition is from the Drug Companies and from the FDA who support them. There is a fair amount of literature that speaks to this. It was a similar situation recently with the elderly who were obtaining cheaper medications from Canada, and there were many attempts to pass legislation to stop this. (MONEY, MONEY, MONEY).

What was your cancer cure diet during that critical period while you had the cancer?

The diet was very restrictive. It consisted of mainly fresh uncooked fruits, vegetables, grains, and nuts (no peanuts allowed). Avoidance of animal protein, including dairy products, that produce a heavy drain on pancreatic enzymes required for effective use of vitamins. Uncooked comprised 75 percent of the diet because critical enzymes are destroyed at high temperatures. In addition, no sugar, preserves, strong spices, stimulants as coffee, alcohol and cigarettes; no soy products.

At what point, after the diagnosis, did you become less strict with your diet?

After the two-year period when my primary physician said he had made the wrong diagnosis, I eased up on my diet. However, I continued to follow much of it and now eat as much organic food as I can find and eat primarily grains, nuts, fruit and vegetables, with a small amount of chicken or fish or seafood (limited to two times a week because of mercury poisoning) in the evening.

Organic milk on cereal with fruit and nuts for most breakfast meals and occasionally organic eggs. I believe the pesticides, growth hormones, antibiotics and other additives in food plus genetically engineered foods overwhelm the body and move it toward disease. So I try to limit as much as possible. I eat a small carb dessert about once a week and never drink diet sodas or use sugar.

Why no beef or sugar?

Cows are injected with growth hormones, antibiotics and other unnatural things. Sugar has also been implicated in a variety of illnesses.

Finally, describe your pre-cancer way of eating.

It was the typical diet of fast foods, lots of meat, some fruit and vegetables, Cokes and sodas, and lots of sweets.

Visit Carl’s web site at:

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