Categories: Opinion and Editorial

Is Earning a Dual Major in College Realistic?

A very common misconception is that choosing to double major while you are in college is always both unrealistic and useless. Neither of these things are true at all. Of course, there are many thing different things that you should be sure to take into consideration if you have been thinking about double majoring while you are in college. Here are some of the questions that you may want to ask yourself.

Is it hard to get a job in the field that you are interested in?

If so, then you may want to give serious thought to double majoring. Two majors are always better than one if you will have a hard time getting a job with the first major that you have chosen. Though you may have a hard time getting a job with the first major that you have chosen, it is likely that you will be able to find one with the second major – or both of the majors combined.

Is there a specific reason that you want to consider double majoring?

A lot of the time, people choose to double major because there is a specific job that may require them to double major. In other cases, it just may be more useful to get a double major. For example, a Biology major may want to consider majoring in English also if the student is interested in writing articles about Biology. If you plan to be a Biology teacher, earning a major in English will make it possible for you to teach English also, which will increase your chances of getting a job teaching. Instead of hiring a Biology teacher and an English teacher, the school district can hire someone who is qualified for both jobs.

Is it realistic for you to invest time and money into a dual major?

One of the main downfalls of a dual major is the fact that it takes more time than earning just one major. With time, of course, also comes money. Many students get themselves into a lot of debt to start with. Taking out more student loan money that you will eventually have to pay back may not be worth double majoring. Of course, some students do not mind spending time and money at school. It is important for you to figure out what matters the most to you, owing more money or landing the job of your dreams.

As you can see, there are many things that you may want to think about before choosing to earn a dual major. There are many situations when double majoring can be very realistic and even a great idea. The most important thing that you should be sure to keep in mind is that you should do whatever it is that you want. Your future is what is at stake. Learning more about your future career goals is one of the main keys to determining if you should double major in college.

Karla News

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