Categories: Parenting

How to Rehydrate a Vomiting Toddler

How to Rehydrate a Vomiting Toddler – When a toddler is sick, trying to keep them hydrated is one of the biggest concerns that many parents have. Most toddlers are frightened when they first start to vomit. They will need plenty of comfort and reassurance. At first they will not want to eat or drink anything. This is probably because they are afraid that if they eat or drink anything they will get sick all over again.

The first thing you will want to do is avoid trying to give them regular food. There stomach is already upset and anything too heavy will only make their stomach feel worse. I have found it best to start with ice cubes or popsicles. Most doctors will tell you to get some pedialyte for your little one. If you have no pedialyte on hand you can try mixing your own little recipe. This is a recipe that my doctor suggested, for my children when they have an upset stomach. You will need about a cup of warm water, and about two tablespoons of sugar and a teaspoon of salt, and a pinch of ginger powder. Your child may not like the taste of this mixture but it will help to keep their body from dehydrating, and the ginger will help to settle their stomach just a bit. If your toddler does not want to drink this, try using a medicine dropper to place a few drops towards the back of the mouth. This will help with the taste and get it into your child. They wont like it but it will settle their stomach enough for them to eat a simple cracker. After giving them the mixture give them the ice cube or ice pop. This will help to get rid of the flavor and your child will still be hydrating themselves.

You can also try to get them to nibble on a few crackers, if they don’t want any crackers, make some noodles and let them eat one at a time. Noodles are very soft and easy for a child to swallow one at a time. Try to get them to eat just one noodle every ten minutes. This may seem like a slow process, but I have found it to be the best way to get a bit of food into your child’s stomach and start to get their energy back. Some toddlers also like the idea of drinking a bit of chicken broth with a straw out of cup. If you child likes chicken broth why not try this method. The main idea is to get as much liquid into them as you can. After they have vomited, allow them to take a sip of regular water and rest for a bit. Try the food after they have had a chance to get some liquid down. I have found it best to wait at least thirty minutes after they have drank some liquid before tying solid foods. Remember that each child is different and you will need to determine which method works best of them. If none of the ideas above seem to be working in getting your child hydrated, speak with your child’s doctor and see what suggestions they offer.

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