Categories: LIFESTYLE

How to Play Bunco

If you lived during the Depression, you will probably remember the game Bunco. It was wildly popular back in the days. This dice game was probably popular because it only takes 3 six-sided dice and some paper and a pencil to play. Bunco in recent years has made a comeback in popularity. If you don’t know how to play, it’s simple and you will after reading this. Bunco is a game great for several couples to play together. You can talk as much as you would like while playing and don’t forget to have some snacks to nibble on too!

How to play Bunco (what you need)

You will need 3 dice, a sheet of paper and pencil for scoring.

You need at least two people to play and it’s more fun when you have at least two couples or more.

Playing Bunco (instructions in a nutshell)

Two to four players or more take turns rolling three dice, trying to roll the side of the dice corresponding to that rounds number. For instance, in the first round you want to roll the three dice so that ones are on all three of them. The first couple to reach a score of 21 wins the round. There are generally six rounds played and the team or couple who wins the most rounds is called the “The Big Winner.” It would be fun to have a small prize on hand to award “The Big Winner!”

Playing Bunco (in a little more detail)

Round 1

The goal in this first round is to roll all the dice with ones on them. If you get (1) one, you get 1 point and get to roll again. If you then roll 2 ones, that’s 2 more points, and you continue rolling until you get no ones. You keep your score written down and pass the dice to the next person on your left. This is repeated by each player until someone gets 21 points and wins the round.

What is considered a BUNCO!

Now, if someone is lucky enough to roll the dice and a one is on each dice, that’s BUNCO and you yell it out, BUNCO! If someone gets a Bunco, they automatically win the round! Bunco only apples to the number of the corresponding round, so if you were to roll the dice with 3 threes on the first round, that is not a Bunco, but you do get 5 points every time you roll the dice and get triplet numbers. If you get a triplet number, you get to roll again. The first round is over when a player reaches 21 points or has rolled a Bunco.

Rounds 2-6

Continue each round as up to 6 rounds total just as you did in round 1. The couple who wins the most rounds wins the “game.” If players are tied a bonus round is played. The side of the die used for this bonus round is decided by the roll of a single die before the bonus round is played.

Invite some friends over during the long winter season and have some fun playing this easy dice game! Friends, snacks and a good game, what could be more fun?

Source: personal experience

Karla News

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