Categories: Beauty

How to Make Your Skin Look Younger

When we are young, we sometimes believe that we will have flawless, beautiful skin forever. That’s why when we look in the mirror, it comes as a shock for some when they notice that first line or wrinkle. And after noticing those first wrinkles, they seem to begin rapidly appearing across the whole face. There are a lot of things that contribute to the appearance of blemishes. Firstly, of course, it is natural that the skin begin having wrinkles because as you age, your skin loses its elasticity and other nutrients needed to keep it looking young.

Some of the main factors that can send your skin to an early grave are:

– Too much sun exposure/tanning beds
– Stress
– Smoking
– Poor care

No matter how old we are, we all want healthy skin. That’s why the skincare industry earns more than a billion dollars a year. Good news is that using natural items, combined with a change of lifestyle can help tone your skin and reduce wrinkles.

Let’s go over a few home remedies for skin care and getting that young look back into your skin:

Fruits like pineapple, cucumbers, and papayas can help to reduce wrinkles. The juice from these fruits can be applied to your face by hand and should be left on for approximately fifteen minutes. If the fruit has a core, you can gently rub it across your face if you don’t want to use the juice. Not only do you get beautiful skin, but you also get to enjoy the wonderful aroma coming from the fruit. The aroma can actually help soothe you and rid you of stress.

Face masks
If you want to have a more relaxing and luxurious home remedy, you can make a face mask using items that can be found in your kitchen. Try mixing honey and yogurt together with some cucumber juice and stir. It is okay to apply it to your face immediately, but the overall texture and mix will work better once it has been chilled in the refrigerator for a short while. *Don’t let it get too cold or it will become too thick. Keep the face mask on your face for about fifteen minutes. Make sure after you are finished you wash the mask off completely. This will help prevent clogging of pores. Do this a few times a week to maintain healthy skin.

Did you know that massaging your facial muscles can help them to stay stronger? The stronger the muscles, the tighter the skin! This method will keep fine lines to a minimum. To correctly massage the face, start at the neck up, gently but firmly massaging in an upward motion until you reach your hairline. After you finish massaging your facial muscles, apply some moisturizing cream or lotion. Do this as much as you can per week.

Your digestive system can be linked to your skin’s condition. If you have a bad diet then your digestion system might not be functioning properly, and when it isn’t functioning properly, it can cause some havoc on your skin. Make sure to include many fruits, vegetables, and nuts in your diet. Keep sweets to an absolute minimum if possible. Breads and other starch-filled foods can also throw off your digestive system. Keep to a rich vitamin-E diet and drink a lot of water.

Sun protection
If you are going outside on a sunny day, be sure to apply some sunblock. Don’t risk getting burned or creating skin problems. Too many UV rays can cause wrinkles, blemishes, and fine lines to appear earlier in life and will make it much harder to repair as well. Try and stay indoors during the hottest time of day. Always wear the appropriate SPF sunscreen to help keep elasticity in the skin.

Don’t smoke
If you’re a smoker, quit! If you care about the appearance of your skin and you are a smoker, you must stop. Not only does not smoking save your skin from aging prematurely, but it can also save your life.

Reduce stress
I understand that it can be hard for some people to relax because of what’s going on, but stressing out over everything is doing nothing but hurting you and your skin. As often as possible, take a bubble bath, read a book, or take a nap! Doing those things can help you relax and also take your mind off of the stress you are feeling.

By combining simple home remedies with a new, healthy lifestyle, you can be stress-free and have beautiful skin in no time!

Karla News

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