Categories: Food & Wine

How to Make Wedding or Baby Shower Mints

It is tradition to have showers or teas for brides and mothers-to-be. In most cases, families and friends are asked to help out and make food or buy decorations for the occasion. The thing that my family always helps with is the mints. It is also traditional for shows and teas and wedding to have mints. Mints are seen at both baby and bridal showers.

Mints are easy and fun to make. They can be made days ahead of time and frozen in the freezer. They can also be saved from one occasion to the next. Mints can come in many different sizes and themes. One can color mints to almost any desired shade.

Weddings can also be very expensive. Most weddings include catering, flowers, photographers, video persons, and more. One way to cut back on the cost of your wedding is to try to do some of the work yourself. Mints are an easy task that even the bride can do stress free.

When making mints, first you will need mint molds. The type of mold that you will need will depend upon the occasion. Baby shower helpers can find bottle, bootie, carriage, and toy shaped molds. Wedding molds include bells, doves, hearts and more.

After finding the molds, the mint maker should begin gathering the ingredients. The main ingredient in making mints is the candy bark. In most cases, one will want to sue white almond candy bark. However, for a groom’s table or fun occasion, chocolate can also be used. Another ingredient in mint making is mint flavoring. If mint is not your flavor of choice, you may choose to try cherry in chocolate mints or almond flavoring in white.

In addition to the flavoring, one will need coloring if the mints are to be colored. The coloring sued in mints should be the same coloring used in icings. It can be found in the craft section of stores or at a cake-decorating store. The coloring is usually seen made by the company Wilton.

Another tool that aides in mint making is a squeeze bottle. The type pf bottle used for condiments works great. These can be purchased at Wal-Mart or at dollar stores.

Once you have decided which type of mints you will make, the fun begins. Begin by washing and thoroughly drying your molds. You will then need to melt the candy bark. Melt only a few blocks at a time. Melt by using the directions on the package. Make sure to not over heat the bark.

Mix a small amount of mint flavoring to your taste.

Mix a small amount of coloring at a time until you reach the desired colored.

Fill a squeeze bottle with the colored bark. Squeeze into the molds and place in the freezer. When frozen take out and store in an airtight container in the freezer.

Karla News

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