How to Cure a Bladder Infection Naturally

What is a bladder infection? A bladder infection can develop when bacteria gets into the urinary tract. The bacteria lines the bladder wall and begins to multiply quickly, causing irritation and pain. If not treated, the infection can cause serious complications if it spreads to the kidneys.

Symptoms of a Bladder Infection

Frequent urination.

You may have a strong urge to urinate, only to produce a small amount of urine.

Burning sensation.

When you go to the bathroom, you may experience a burning during or after you urinate.

Blood in urine.

Traces of blood in your urine could indicate an infection. Only a test will determine this since the blood would be microscopic.

Urine changes.

Your urine may appear cloudy and give off a strong odor.

Stomach pressure.

You may experience pressure in your lower abdomen.


A person with a bladder infection could get a low-grade fever.

Curing a Bladder Infection Naturally

There are many prescription drugs to cure a bladder infection, but trying to cure it naturally is better for your health. Here are 4 ways to naturally cure a bladder infection.

Apple cider vinegar.

Add a few drops of apple cider vinegar to bath water to help get rid of the infection

Cucumber juice.

Add one teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of fresh lime juice to one cup of cucumber juice. Take 3 times a day.


Cranberry in juice, extract or pill form will flush out bacteria. Drink 5 glasses a day if using juice. Follow directions for pills and extract.


Mix equal parts of fresh spinach juice with coconut water. Drink one glass a day.

Home Remedies for Bladder Pain

If you don’t want to take over the counter pain relievers, you can use one of these home remedies to ease bladder pain.

Hot water.

Ease your pain by immersing your pelvis in hot water until the pain subsides.

Cold compresses.

Apply a cold compresses to the stomach for a short period of time.

Lemon juice.

To relieve burning sensation, add a teaspoon of lemon juice to a cup of boiling water. After cooling off, sip ¼ of cup every 2 hours until gone.

Prevent a Bladder Infection

Changing your habits may reduce the chance of an infection flaring up. There are many things you can do to help keep a bladder infection at bay.

Drink plenty of water.

Drink 8 cups a day of water to keep your bladder flushed.

Cranberry juice.

Drinking cranberry juice daily will help prevent a bladder infection.

Don’t hold your urine.

Urinate frequently to avoid bacteria from sitting too long in your bladder.

Hygiene habits.

Wipe from front to back after having a bowel movement,, so you don’t spread bacteria to your urethra.

Quit taking baths.

Bubble bath and other soaps can cause infections in some people. Avoid taking baths and take showers instead.

Bladder infections can be avoided if you take the proper precautions. Drink plenty of fluids and practice good hygiene skills to help keep infections away.

Karla News

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