Categories: AUTOMOTIVE

How to Change the Oil in a 2000 GMC Jimmy Envoy

Changing the oil in your car, truck or sports utility vehicle is a very important and necessary piece of routine maintenance that can help to ensure that your vehicle leads a long and happy life. Regularly changing the oil in your vehicle also helps to increase gas mileage, prevent unnecessary wear and tear and essential parts, and it prevents much more costly repairs down the road. Although it may seem like a mundane and rather easy task to some, to others with little or no automotive experience, changing the oil in their vehicle can seem like a daunting and difficult task.

Paying upwards of $25 dollars at some auto shops is unnecessary if you take the time to learn how to change your own oil, often times costing only $11-$15. In this article I will specifically detail how to change the oil in your 2000 GMC Jimmy Envoy.

The first step in changing your oil is purchasing new oil and an oil filter. Although some people select their oil based on the time of year and annual temperatures, the recommended oil to use in the 2000 GMC Jimmy is 5W30. The brand doesn’t matter, although some oil is designed for higher mileage engines. If you are unsure about which brand is best ask a sales clerk at the auto parts store for a recommendation. While at the auto parts store you will also need to purchase a new oil filter. Because the oil filters vary by manufacturer, year and model of vehicle it will be necessary too look up which specific oil filter you will need to purchase. In the oil section there is a book with listings for all of the different types of oil filters. These are sorted by the make of your car, and it’s year. If you cannot locate your specific filter or are unsure a store employee should be able to help you.

For a 2000 GMC Jimmy you will need to purchase 5 quarts of oil. Check in your owners manual for the specific amount of oil you will need to put in your vehicle, it varies for the 4-cylinder model and the 6-cylinder model.

Once you have your oil and filter you will need to head home and give your vehicle between two and three hours to cool down so that you do not burn yourself when changing the oil. Once your vehicle has cooled off begin by opening the hood of your GMC Jimmy. The hood release lever is located on the driver’s side, just believe the steering wheel, next to the door.

After you have the hood open, locate your oil cap and remove it to release any pressure in the system. For the next part you will need a flat head screw driver, a socket wrench and set of sockets, and an oil pan or something to store the used oil in.

Begin by sliding the oil pan underneath the truck and back. Because your GMC Jimmy has higher suspension there should be no need to lift the suv up on jack stands. Lay on your back and slide underneath until you are about midway underneath. Locate the oil pan, and the oil pan plug. The plug will look like a small bolt head. Position the oil pan underneath the plug. Next, taking your socket wrench and, using the appropriately sized socket, loosen the oil plug and remove it. At this point you may get a little dirty because the old, used oil will come out.

After the old oil has finished draining put the plug back in, but only tighten it down hand tight. Next move forward under the vehicle until you are just below the front bumper. There will be a small black door at a horizontal angle with a screw holding it in place. Taking your flat head screw driver twist it until the door swings open.

Now you have access to the old oil filter. To remove the oil filter reach in and twist it counter clock wise. If the oil filter will not move with your hand try using a piece of light grit sandpaper for extra grip. You may need to purchase an oil filter wrench.

After removing the old oil filter take the new filter from its box, ensure that the black rubber gasket is in place at the end of it and rub a small amount of the old oil around the gasket. This helps to ensure that the new gasket will seal to the car. After tightening down the oil filter close the door.

Slide back under the truck and tight down the oil plug all the way. Make sure that it is tightened down to prevent any leakage of the new oil. Slide out from underneath the truck and get your new oil ready. Remember the oil cap you unscrewed earlier? Taking your new oil, add the correct amount, roughly 4 and ¾ quarts, until you reach the manufacturers recommended amount. Replace the oil cap and tighten it down as well.

Start your car and allow it to run for 10 minutes to allow the new oil to circulate through the system. After 10 minutes is up, shut your car off and using an old rag, pull out the oil dipstick (located just below and next to the oil cap) and wipe the oil off it. Slide it back in it’s respective hole and then pull it back out. If the oil on the dipstick is within the “xxx” then you have the right amount of oil in the car. If you have too little, add the oil and repeat running the truck and checking it until you have the right amount.

Congratulations! You have just changed your own oil!

Karla News

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