Categories: People

Pastor Benny Hinn’s Wife Files for Divorce

Yesterday one of the headlines on the Internet was “Televangelist’s Wife Files for Divorce.” I was not surprised by the headline itself, but when I clicked on it and saw that Suzanne Hinn was filing for divorce, I was very shocked and sad to hear that. They have been married and serving the Lord together for over 30 years. They have four children together and their daughter, Jessica, is also in ministry with her husband, Michael.

As I read on and saw that Pastor Benny and his immediate family are shocked and devastated by this sudden action, I felt even worse. Lately, there has been plenty of news of television preachers getting divorced. You may be asking yourself, “What is going on?” Christians are not supposed to get divorced. Jesus speaks clearly of this in the Bible. Some ministries have grown and prospered very much and some have lost their focus. Some have just been unfaithful to their spouse and they will give an account to God some day for their actions.

Benny Hinn’s ministry is also very prosperous but that does not mean that he or anyone in general has to lose focus on what they are supposed to be doing. Pastor Benny travels extensively preaching the Word of God and holding healing services. Thousands of people attend his crusades and millions watch him each day on television.

According to some news articles, Pastor Benny and his wife, Suzanne, have been dealing with some issues lately. Pastor Benny has done all he can do to save his marriage. When the divorced papers were issued unexpectedly, he and his family were terribly saddened. Who would ever think that they would get a divorce? They work together in ministry. If you have read any of Pastor Benny’s books, he clearly speaks about how he met Suzanne and how God had destined them to be together.

If you are like me, you are totally shocked by this news also. No one really knows the true story except Pastor Benny and his family. Therefore no one should be judgmental but should keep him and his family in our prayers at this very difficult time.

According to the website,, Pastor Benny will continue in his ministry as he wants to do what God has called him to do. Only by the Grace of God will he be able to continue. That is why he so desperately needs our prayers. He is traveling extensively over seas while the doors are opened for him to go to certain places. He feels that one day soon the doors may be closed for him in certain areas. Pastor Benny has a passion to win as many souls for Christ before He returns, so he will faithfully continue with his endeavors. One day Jesus will say to him, “Well done thou good and faithful servant.

Remember to keep him in your daily prayers so he can continue with his faithful mission. The time is very short.


Karla News

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