How Serotonin Affects Emotional Health

One way to look at the chemical serotonin is as a traffic cop. This chemical is manufactured in the human brain and helps direct signals from one area of that organ to another.

WebMD notes that around 90 percent of the serotonin stockpiled in the human body resides in the digestive tract and in blood platelets. The recipe for producing serotonin relies on a process of biochemical conversion. The main ingredient is tryptophan. Cells make serotonin by combining tryptophan hydroxylase, a reactor, with tryptophan. The result is a mouthful – 5-hydroxytryptamine – or serotonin, a type of neurotransmitter.

Serotonin and Depression

Experts estimate that serotonin influences most of the 40 million cells in the brain as it performs its role helping to send messages from one section of the brain to another. The cells it affects are related to mood, sexual desire and function, appetite and sleep. The chemical also influences those connected to memory, learning, temperature regulation and some types of social behavior.

Many researchers have concluded that a serotonin level imbalance can influence mood and lead to depression. They cite potential causes such as manufacturing low levels of serotonin, missing receptor sites to receive it after production and the inability of the chemical to reach its receptor sites. They also believe depression could be the result of a shortage of tryptophan. With any of these circumstances, various biochemical problems occur. The end result can be depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic, anxiety or excessive anger.

Although the medical community widely accepts the role of serotonin deficiency in depression, they have no way to measure levels of the chemical in a live brain. As a result, they have been unable to prove that levels of serotonin or any other neurotransmitter are low when depression or other mental illness occurs.

Natural Ways to Get Serotonin

Since serotonin is the byproduct of a chemical process, it’s impossible to eat any particular foods and immediately boost its levels in the body. Getting a sufficient supply of vitamin B-6 is important in order to influence the rate at which the body converts tryptophan to serotonin, however.

Ironically, right after eating a high-protein meal such as meat, chicken, nuts or dairy products, levels of tryptophan and serotonin drop. After a meal full of carbohydrates, however, the body releases insulin. This causes high levels of tryptophan to remain in the bloodstream and eventually reach the brain.

Many individuals believe that the mood elevation from regular exercise is connected to changes in serotonin levels. However, researchers have been unable to prove this. Overall, men have slightly more serotonin in their bodies than women do. Researchers are currently trying to lean whether this difference explains why more women than men experience anxiety and depression.

Serotonin Supplements

For some patients, winning the battle against depression involves taking medication. The drugs prescribed are serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs).

According to the Mayo Clinic, SNRIs increase the levels of serotonin and norepinephrine by preventing them from being reabsorbed into brain cells. Experts aren’t certain how the chemical mechanism works. However, they believe that the higher levels of these substances improve the efficiency of sending nerve impulses. This in turn elevates mood.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved two classes of SNRIs to treat depression. Duloxetine is sold under the brand name Cymbalta. Venlafaxine retails as Effexor and Effexor XR.

Some patients have experienced worsening symptoms of depression after taking SNRIs. Doctors have observed suicidal thoughts and behavior in some of those between the ages of 18 to 24. If discontinuing medication seems like the right course, it’s important to speak with a doctor before attempting to start tapering.


WebMD site

Mayo Clinic site


  • WebMD site
  • Mayo Clinic site
Karla News

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