Homeopathic Relief from Anxiety

Chronic anxiety affects nearly 40 million people across the nation, or roughly 18% of all Americans. Anxiety can range anywhere from mild to severe. For some people it may only crop up on occasion, while for others, anxiety may be so intense that the individual is unable to cope with their day-to-day life. Some symptoms of anxiety include shaking, tremors, increased heart rate, tension, worry, nausea, insomnia, restlessness, excessive worry, inability to concentrate and more.

Anxiety is often treated using cognitive-behavioral therapy or medications such as antidepressants, or anti-anxiety medications. Antidepressants may take a few weeks before they become an effective treatment, and anti-anxiety medications are often addictive and habit forming due to the “tranquilizing” affect that they have on the body. Although either of these medications may work, many worry about becoming dependent on these medications, as well as any possible long term effects these medications could have.

Homeopathy for Anxiety
Homeopathic treatment for various conditions are becoming more and more popular, but many are surprised to learn that there are homeopathic remedies available to help treat anxiety. There are different treatments available for different types of anxiety. In most cases, these homeopathic treatments are safe and effective.

Before beginning any kind of treatment, always discuss the intended treatment with a qualified physician. A physician who focuses on homeopathy is most likely a better choice as most mainstream physicians are poorly educated on homeopathic remedies and may not be able to offer valuable feedback.

Common Homeopathic Treatments for Anxiety
For panic attacks that creep on suddenly, aconitum napellus may be used to treat it. Aconitum napellus is effective in providing relief from sudden, and strong anxiety. This type of anxiety could result from extreme fear or emotional upset, such as the news someone close has passed away or having a near death experience.

When someone is suffering from anxiety related to an upcoming event, such as a speech or a big test, argentum nitricum may be helpful in relieving the anxiety associated with the upcoming event. Individuals who typically benefit from this type of treatment are often easily persuades and optimistic.

For those who suffer from anxiety related to their own physical health, or tend to be of an obsessive nature may benefit from the use of arsenicum album. Individuals who may benefit from this treatment offer suffer from anxiety in the very late hours of the night, or very early in the morning. These individuals also have a tendency to fidget uncontrollably, despite expressing tiredness.

For people who generally do not suffer from anxiety but become overwhelmed due to excessive workloads or poor health, calcarea carbonica may benefit them, helping ease anxiety and lessen irritability. Someone who may benefit from this type of treatment is typically lethargic and usually tires easily.

For those who are unable to cope with fear or phobias, gelsemium may be helpful. Individuals who have a difficult time giving speeches, seeing the dentist or taking an exam may benefit from this type of treatment.

For those who are coping with some kind of grief, loss or disappointment, ignatia amara may be of benefit. Individuals dealing with stress, loneliness, depression or traumatic events may benefit, especially if they are emotionally unstable, having “breakdowns.” Someone who may benefit from this treatment may also suffer from headaches and cramps.

When life becomes to overwhelming and an individual is having a difficult time coping with daily tasks, work and home responsibilities, kali phosphoricum may be of benefit. Individuals who are likely to benefit from this treatment are often jumpy, irritable and easily startled.

For those who deal with low-self esteem and have difficulty coping with any kind of stress, lycopodium may be beneficial. Individuals who are likely to benefit from this treatment are often overly fearful of failure or taking on a new task.

Some individuals who are overly shy, and self-conscious due to fearing how others may perceive them may benefit from natrum muriaticum. Individuals who typically benefit from this treatment are usually “loners,” avoid social situations and group interaction, and may dwell on negative thoughts and feelings, keeping themselves isolated from those around them.

For more creative and excited individuals, anxiety can be easily triggered by their own thoughts. Treatment with phosphorus can be beneficial. These individuals tend to overextend themselves and subsequently become stressed and anxious by their inability to complete things, or their inability to take on more. Individuals who typically benefit from this type of treatment are usually find themselves needing to be in the presence of company and they may feel better just having someone to converse with.

For those who are clingy, and insecure, treatment consisting of pulsatilla may be beneficial. Individuals who typically benefit from this treatment are often moody, childish and constantly seeking out support and comfort from others. Fresh air and exercise can often help alleviate symptoms. and symptoms are more common when the individual is experiencing hormonal changes, such as during puberty, menses, pregnancy and menopause.

Some individuals, although they are serious and focused, may find relief for nervousness and occasional periods of self-doubt using silicea. These individuals often face extreme anxiety when it comes to public speaking or taking on new tasks, however, they are very responsible and attentive to detail, which can make a large workload difficult for them to handle.

Choosing a Homeopathic Treatment
It can be difficult to choose the right homeopathic treatment for your symptoms. This is why having a caregiver who is experienced and educated in the field of homeopathy can be invaluable. There are many online resources providing information on various treatments as well. Some sites even offer a checklist quiz of symptoms that users can check or uncheck to provide some helpful suggestions for possible treatments. Regardless of treatment you choose, always research the decision thoroughly and never rely on a single source by itself.

National Institute of Mental Health: Anxiety

How is Anxiety Treated?

Anxiety & Homeopathy

Holistic Online: Anxiety

Karla News

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