Categories: LIFESTYLE

Home Remedy Treatments for Cat Dandruff

Dandruff in cats is usually a minor issue that is easily resolved, but left unchecked the dandruff problem can escalate into a full-blown dilemma for both cat and owner. Home remedy treatments for cat dandruff are basic in their concept and work well, but prior to determining which remedy to use it must first be established what the cause of the dandruff is related to. Dandruff in cats can be from dry skin due to poor nutrition, parasites, infrequent grooming or even sunburn. A cat owner needs to assess the root cause of the cat’s dandruff and can then apply the proper home remedy. The best and most productive manner in which to remedy cat dandruff is to prevent it by ensuring that a cat has a well-rounded lifestyle directed at maintaining good health.

Cat have very thin skin, therefore anything that will make them scratch excessively will most likely loosen dead skin cells and cause dandruff. The presence of fleas, ticks and mites can make a cat go crazy scratching, and once the parasite is terminated and removed dandruff will usually diminish accordingly. Daily grooming in the form of brushing or combing will also remove any parasites somewhat, along with the daily buildup of dandruff. Although it may sound a bit odd in a creature that is covered in hair, cats can easily get sunburn that results in dry and peeling skin if left outside too long on a sunny day. This can easily be remedied by keeping a cat indoors during the hours of strongest sunshine, between 10 AM and 4 PM.

Proper nutrition is also an important factor in preventing and curing dandruff in cats. Not all commercially prepared cat foods are equal in quality, and a cat that has a strong presence of dandruff may be lacking vitamins that are necessary for good skin cell maintenance. It is most imperative that a cat that has dandruff receive an adequate amount of Omega-3 fatty acids on a regular basis. Omega-3 fatty acids promote normal cell growth in a cat’s skin, and serve to ensure that the skin is lubricated with enough body oils. An excellent idea to initiate this is to give your cat a few spoons of tuna several times a week, as fish is high in Omega-3 content. It is also important to make certain that the cause of the cat’s dandruff is not due to dehydration, as this can be the symptom of a much more serious issue than dandruff.

Finally, if a cat is continuously scratching and the dandruff cannot be remedied at home, take the animal to a veterinarian in a timely fashion. An abnormal amount of scratching can cause the skin to tear, resulting in infections that can be tough to treat once established.

Karla News

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