Home Remedies: Colloidal Silver

Years ago, an elderly neighbor of ours paid us a visit with an odd electrical device and jar of water. She claimed that this seemingly simple jar of water was more powerful than most prescribed antibiotics and that we should have some around the house in the event of infection. Initially scoffing at the idea, I humored her by asking her to elaborate. After a short demonstration of how her gadget worked and a lesson on the benefits of “colloidal silver,” I reluctantly accepted the mysterious jar of water and ventured off to do my own research.

Although I thought it a bit far fetched that a slightly cloudy jar of water could cure many common infections and viruses, I found there to be a lot of astounding information regarding the benefits of pure silver. I soon discovered that colloidal silver had been widely used by doctors, military and even NASA, for everything from curing infections to purifying water. After hours of research, I decided to hold onto this potentially miraculous jar for future trial.

Several months later, I incurred a serious infection from a dog bite. Although I kept the wound clean with anti-bacterial soap and treated it daily with peroxide, the infection continued to worsen. Not having health insurance at the time, my husband and I decided to give the colloidal silver a try. Within hours of using the colloidal silver, the redness disappeared and by the very next day, the infection was completely cleared. Since then, my household has used colloidal silver as a home remedy for several wounds and infections, without disappointment. The following is a list of ten uses that yielded immediate results.

Dog Bites

Wounds from dog bites are at an incredibly high risk for infection because of the vast amount of disease causing bacteria in a dog’s mouth. The wound from the dog bite I incurred became red, swollen and contained pus. The wound was on my finger, so I placed my hand in a small glass bowl containing pure colloidal silver water. I then punctured the wound with a small sewing needle and gently squeezed out the toxic fluids. At the same time, the colloidal silver was able to penetrate the wound. I repeated the procedure 3 times over the course of the day until no more fluid filled the wound. By the next day, the infection was gone. To prevent infection from a fresh dog bite, soak a cotton ball in colloidal silver and squeeze liquid onto wound several times daily, along with regular cleaning.


Conjunctivitis (or pink eye) is an infection of the eye and eyelid, especially common in children. Conjunctivitis is caused by bacteria, viruses and sometimes, certain allergies and is highly contagious. To cure pink eye, fill a glass eye dropper with colloidal silver and apply 2-3 drops per eye twice a day until the infection clears. Discontinue use if not cleared within 3 days.

Seasonal Allergies

For allergy related eye redness and irritation, apply 2-3 drops of colloidal silver from a glass eye dropper in both eyes. If glass eye dropper is not available, pour colloidal silver in a small shot glass and splash in eyes by titling head back. Treatment may be repeated 2-3 times daily, not to exceed 3 consecutive days. Colloidal silver may also be gargled full strength for throat irritation.

Spider Bites

At first observation of a spider bite, take a cotton ball soaked in colloidal silver (squeeze out excess fluid) and affix to bite with a simple adhesive bandage. Keep on until most of the cotton ball has dried (about 30 minutes.)


After thoroughly washing face with a mild cleanser, dab colloidal silver over infected areas with a soaked cotton ball. For troublesome acne patches, affix colloidal silver dampened cotton ball with small adhesive bandage and keep on for 15-30 minutes. Repeat once daily until breakout clears.

Ear Infections

Tilt head to one side and drop 2-3 drops of colloidal silver into ear canal with glass eye or ear dropper. Lie on side for 5-10 minutes and then clean ear canal with cotton swab, soaked in rubbing alcohol. Repeat in other ear. May be repeated 2-3 times a day, not to exceed 3 days. This treatment is safe for small children, but you MUST ensure that you dry the ear canal with rubbing alcohol after treatment to prevent moisture buildup.

Stomach Bugs

Small gulps of colloidal silver water may be ingested twice a day during a stomach flu or indigestion. Only moderate consumption is advised throughout the course of the stomach upset. If symptoms persist, discontinue use and consult a physician. Since colloidal silver can also kill the good bacteria within the intestinal track, it is recommended that you eat yogurt containing live cultures once symptoms subside.

Cuts and Scrapes

To prevent infection, dab colloidal silver on wound with a colloidal silver soaked cotton ball 2-3 times daily. Keep wound clean and dry throughout healing process and apply ointments (like A & D) as necessary

Gum Abscesses and Oral Health

Colloidal Silver may be gargled periodically to kill bacteria and prevent infections. For abscesses, soak toothbrush in a small glass of colloidal silver and brush thoroughly. After brushing, gargle with full strength colloidal silver for 5 minutes. Discontinue use if abscess does not clear.

Athletes Foot

Using a large enough glass pan, soak clean feet in full strength colloidal silver water for 10-15 minutes. For best results, apply rubbing alcohol all over feet and in between toes and then thoroughly dry. May be repeated twice daily until infection clears.

My family has personally tested all of the above colloidal silver remedies with great success. We have observed expedient results in most cases with no side effects. Although pre made colloidal silver is offered online, we have chosen to make our own to ensure its purity. There are many websites that offer instructions on how to make homemade colloidal silver, as well as step by step tutorials offered by users on YouTube.

Disclaimer: The intent of this article is to share home remedies from my own household. The information contained in this article is not intended to replace the advice of a licensed physician.

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