Healthy Diet That Works With Your Exercise Routine

Let’s face it, there are probably more weight loss programs and dieting pills than most of us can keep track of. Some of them may help but most of them probably won’t. What I do know is that if you’re still eating too much junk foods and taking in excessive calories, these are only temporary solutions to the problem that aren’t at all healthy. Why resort to all of these things when all it really takes is consuming fewer calories than you’re burning off?

Green Tea

I would have never guessed that green tea could be such a strong solution for weight loss. After much researching, I found that drinking 3 to 5 cups of green tea alone could help you drop an extra 70 calories per day. Green tea is known to speed up your metabolism and has zero calories in it. Also, it can help you keep your weight more easily so that if you do slip up or eat something bad once in a while, it won’t be the end of the world. When I learned about this, right away I began drinking three cups every day and I can see that it’s definitely been working.


So for breakfast, I eat lettuce. Yes, I said lettuce. On the “side,” I choose among carrots, broccoli, or a tomato. Eating vegetables as a main course doesn’t give me the excuse to say I’m full or I don’t have an appetite for it. Either I go with the vegetables or I simply won’t eat anything for breakfast. Since I get so hungry and I love to eat, the latter isn’t really an option for me because it isn’t healthy to skip meals either. Eating very few calories found in vegetables like these will give you the opportunity to snack on little things throughout the day without having to keep track of your calorie count.

In-Between Meals

A great rule to follow is that when you do snack, make sure you’re eating something relatively low in calories and sugar. Also, split a single snack such as a roll up for two or three small snacks throughout the day instead of eating the whole thing at one sitting. I chalk it all up to experience and it is truly working for me. I’ve already lost about four pounds in two weeks from doing this, along with some exercise.


For lunch, I eat vegetables again. This is one way to get more water in your system and it’s a great and healthy way of doing so and keeping the calories off. I typically eat the same thing for lunch that I eat earlier in the day for breakfast. I always eat lettuce as the main food, served with a side of one or two other vegetables that I mentioned previously. Sometimes, I even add a small slice of a lemon on my plate. It’s a tasty addition to your meal.


Then, for dinner I eat a regular meal. The only difference now is that I quit eating when I get full. The mentality that I had was like so many others’. I would eat for pleasure and enjoyment, regardless of whether I was hungry or not. So I would just keep eating until either there was nothing left or someone intervened. And even when that happened, I wouldn’t always listen.

On a final note, I feel the need to mention that you’ll want to be consistent with the routine or it will not work. If you want to keep dropping the pounds, you’ll have to follow a strict diet and not rely solely on your exercise regime. Try it out today and be more determined than ever because then, and only then will you reap the true benefits from all the hard work you’re putting into weight loss that you deserve.

Karla News

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