Categories: LIFESTYLE

Great Care Package Ideas for the Homeless

As a person who has always had the luxury of having a roof over their head, its hard to imagine what life is like for people who have no place to call home at the end of the day. People of all ages, races, sexes and financial backgrounds have found themselves living either in shelters or on the streets. For people who seldom know if they will spend the night sleeping on the sidewalk or in a shelter; or where their next meal will come from for that matter, something as simple as a care package from a stranger can make all the difference in the world.

You can easily put together care packages for the homeless at home by yourself or with the help of friends and family. Care packages containing basic necessities and small luxury items can be made inexpensively; you can typically purchase most of these items at dollar stores. Once your care packages are complete, you can either donate them to a shelter in your area to hand out to guests or you can hand them out yourself to homeless people you encounter.

Use a Backpack

Instead of using a box to hold the contents of your care package, I highly recommend putting everything in a backpack. Homeless people living both on the streets and in shelters can greatly benefit from having a new backpack for their belongings, as they generally have to keep most, if not everything they own with them at all times. You don’t have to spend a fortune on a new designer pack; a gently-used backpack you already own or a second-hand one from a thrift store will work just as well.


Small, non-perishable food items are some of the most important items you can include in your care package. Some items to consider packing include:

Avoid including chocolate items during the summer months or if it is hot where you live year round, as it will likely melt. You could also include gift cards to fast food restaurants like Taco Bell or McDonald’s in any amount you desire.


Toiletries are equally important for putting in your care package. This way the recipient can clean up and maintain good health and hygiene despite their circumstances. Having immediate access to toiletry products could also help the person prepare for job interviews. Some toiletry items to include your pack are:

  • Travel-sized shampoo and conditioner
  • Toothpaste
  • Mouthwash
  • Toothbrushes
  • Disposable razors
  • Shaving cream or gel
  • Feminine products for females
  • Baby wipes
  • Foot/body powder
  • Sunscreen
  • Lip balm
  • Hairbrush or comb
  • Handheld mirror
  • Soap
  • Hand sanitizer

I recommend packaging liquid toiletry items inside of plastic sandwich bags with zippers to prevent spills inside the pack. The recipient can then use the bags for anything they need after the toiletries are gone.

Clothing Items

Small clothing items are easy to pack inside of backpacks. These items will protect the person from the elements and help them keep comfortable. They are all one-size-fits-all, so you wont have to worry about sizing for the recipient.

  • Gloves/mittens
  • Scarf
  • Socks
  • Sunglasses
  • Winter hat
  • Baseball cap
  • Emergency blanket

Miscellaneous Items

Some miscellaneous items I recommend including in your pack are batteries, flashlights, a portable backpacking stove, camping dishes, books, a first aide kit, a sewing kit, tissues, magazines or a handwritten card or letter.

Karla News

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