Categories: Fertility & Pregnancy

Fun Things to Do While Pregnant

Sitting at my computer today, I started googling anything pregnancy related. I was amazed at all the websites that came up, talking about things that you cannot do while pregnant. Although we have a very good reason to be careful during pregnancy, I found all these stories of missed opportunities to be depressing. In response, I have decided to formulate a list of things you CAN do while pregnant. I tried to think up an even mix of activities, some focusing on the baby and some focusing on the mothers. It is getting harder to think of anything other than the baby, but the other facets in our lives should not be abandoned. Mothers-to-be are important people!

First of all, don’t forget to exercise. You have likely heard from your Doctor that exercise helps with both pregnancy and labor. There are exercises that you can do during pregnancy! Swimming is one of the best, although you should be aware the chance of falling is much greater in the ocean or river than in the pool. Stationary Bicycling is also a good choice, especially if you miss long bike rides. Walking is another important exercise. Depending on the weather you can head to the mall or a park. Dancing, either in classes or out on the town is usually acceptable, as are Pilates and low impact aerobics. I have found water aerobics to be a wonderful activity. The types of exercises that are okay during pregnancy depend a lot on how far along you are and how active you were to start with. If you have any questions about your favorite sport, just ask your doctor.

It is important to have date nights while you are pregnant, both with your significant other and your friends. Schedule a babymoon if at all possible. There are many fun activities you can participate it. Many spas offer a prenatal massage. You do need to use caution during your first and third trimesters, but just make sure that the masseuse knows about your pregnancy. It can be a lot of fun to go site seeing. Check out a nice hotel room near your home town and try to see it as a tourist might. This is a good opportunity to soak in one of those extra large hotel bathrooms, provided you do not let the water get too hot. You might consider going on tours. A walking tour can be lots of fun if you make sure that you will be able to keep up and rest if needed. An exhibit tour is a good idea as well, because the temperatures are usually cool and there are plenty of places to sit.

Dinner and a movie is an old standby for date night, but it is still a good one. You can have an intimate dinner for two, or throw a party for all of your girl friends. Some pregnant women find watching movies at home to be more comfortable than going out, because they can pause the show and come and go as needed. Staying at home is a good opportunity for board games as well. They are just as much fun as when you were a kid! At the same time, heading to the cinema should not be outside of the realm of possibility. Sit near the back and on the aisle, so that it will be easy to stretch your legs or head to the bathroom if needed.

If you are looking for ‘baby related’ things to do while pregnant, the list is immense. It can be fun to go shopping. Looking at all the new baby stuff is exciting, even if it is not actually something that you would buy. You can also use this time to take ‘pregnancy pictures” or get a mold made of your baby bump. You may focus on documenting your pregnancy, but it is also a good idea to get a nice shot of your family ‘pre-baby.’ Start a family photo album, beginning with pictures of you and your spouse as children and continuing through the pregnancy.

Many people pick up crafts while pregnant, and some even turn themselves into crafts by painting their bodies. Scrapbooking is similar to my photo album suggestions, but there are many other crafts to consider. Crocheting, Knitting, and Sewing are all crafts that can enable you to make something for your new arrival. You can also sew your own maternity clothes.

You may not be looking for a specific activity during pregnancy, perhaps you are just getting bored or anxious. If this is the case, take heart. There are many hobbies you can take up while pregnant. Photography would be a very appropriate one. Fishing can also be relaxing. If that is not for you, remember that many pregnant women enjoy computer or video games, and these days you can find video games that allow photography, fishing, and a variety of other activities. Make a list of books you want to read, and start working your way down. Similarly consider writing. Writing in a baby book can be fun, but many women find pregnancy makes them feel creative or poetic. I myself started writing for associated content because I needed something to fill my time. If these suggestions make you feel lonely, consider doing something that involves the public, like volunteering or throwing a yard sale. Volunteering can be easier than working for some pregnant women, because there is not as much pressure to get ahead. Yard sales can give you an opportunity to clean out your closet and make room for baby. Take the money you earn and buy yourself something nice. (For more information on yard sales, browse my other articles)

There certainly are things you shouldn’t do while pregnant, but it is important to remember that you are still a person. Talk to your doctor about the activities you are considering, and enjoy your experiences.

Karla News

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