Categories: Dieting & Weight Loss

Freeze Dried Fruit Vs. Fresh Fruit: Which is Better for You?

A ripe, robust piece of fresh fruit looks, smells, and feels healthy, and when many people think of healthy food, but freeze dried fruit may be just as good for you. To be certain, the image of a fresh, red apple just picked from the tree is an iconic picture of wellness, and fresh fruit is often an appetizing prospect. By contrast, the muted colors and chewy texture of freeze dried fruit can seem somewhat unappealing. However, freeze dried fruit can be a nutritional boon to anyone who wants to maintain a healthy diet through all four seasons.

In some situations, freeze dried fruit is the most convenient option for getting your vitamins. Fresh fruit is only available in season, whereas freeze dried fruit is easy to get all through the year. Freeze dried fruit is lightweight, doesn’t need to be refrigerated, and takes up very little space. These are a few of the reasons why freeze dried fruit is often the preferred snack of hikers, campers, and other outdoor enthusiasts looking for a durable, portable energy and vitamin boost.

Fresh fruit is often quite affordable, but all too often the money you spend on it goes down the drain. Fresh fruits spoil very quickly, even in the refrigerator, and those wasted dollars and cents can really add up. Perhaps the greatest advantage that freeze dried fruit has over fresh produce is its shelf life, which can help you get more for your dollar. Some fresh fruits, like berries, last only a few days in the fridge, which can make them an inconvenient part of your diet. When stored in an airtight container in a cool, dry place, freeze dried fruit can keep for up to a year. This makes freeze dried fruit a great way to keep an ample supply of fruit on hand for snacks at all times without having to worry about whether it has spoiled, and it means that you can be certain that the money you spend on fruit will be well spent.

Although the nutritional effect of drying food is minimal, when you have the choice between a fresh fruit in season and its dried counterpart, it is usually a smarter health choice to opt for the fresh produce. Some freeze dried fruits will not maintain their full amount of vitamin C through the drying process, but when a fruit is fresh, you can be certain that it contains the maximum possible nutritional value. In addition, fresh fruit contains a large quantity of water, which helps you feel full and satiated while it helps your system stay hydrated and efficient.

It’s All Good
Although some freeze dried fruit is slightly lower in vitamin C, research suggests that the vitamin and nutrient content of freeze dried fruit remains roughly similar to that of fresh fruit. There are advantages to both fresh and freeze dried fruit, so whichever fits more conveniently into your lifestyle and dietary habits is the right choice for you. Whenever fresh fruit isn’t practical or available, you can chow down on a piece of freeze dried fruit and revel in the knowledge that you are doing right by your body.


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