Categories: Dieting & Weight Loss

Fiber One Oats and Peanut Butter Chew Bar: Fiber One’s Newest Bar

Sometimes the hardest part about eating healthy foods is the snacking. It can be tough to snack on something sweet without feeling bad about it or inhaling a ton of calories, thus sending some onto the downward spiral that is called diet “cheating”. You cheat because you just couldn’t resist your coworker’s upside down pineapple cake he bought at Marie Callender’s the night before and you just hadn’t had much sugar in awhile.

So where does the help come from? Typically some grainy, twig-tasting bar that’s only sweetness comes from raisins left over in the wine press. Or you end up trying a snack bar that is labeled “healthy” yet contains almost the same amount of sugar as an Almond Joy. Is there a middle ground?

There may be hope. Enter the Fiber One Oats and Peanut Butter Chewy Bar. Could this be the bar that satisfies the sugar craving without pushing you over the edge, or will this just be another mushed up pile of nuts and twigs ready to kindle the camp fire?

Appearance and Nutrition. The Fiber One Oats and Peanut Bar almost looks bad for you.

On the outside of the bar you can see the peanut butter swirl drizzled along the length of the bar. If you look even closer, you can pick out those little peanut butter morsels that grandma used to put in her peanut butter cookies. Remember those? They were so sweet and just as good as the chocolate chip morsels. What in the world are they doing in a health bar? There’s even a slight sticky substance that, if you squint, resembles marshmallow. The appearance of this bar is entirely wrong.

The Fiber One Oats and Peanut Bar is also chock-full of goodness. As the title suggests, there is a lot of fiber in here. 9 grams, to be exact, which is over 1/3 of the fiber you need all day. Your coworkers will not be impressed by the sounds that could come out of you when you finish this bar. In addition to the extra movement involved, the Fiber One Oats and Peanut Bar also contains 150 calories, 4.5 grams of fat and 28 grams of carbs.

No trans fats were used in creating this snack. As sweet as this snack looks, there are only 9 grams of sugar. I investigated the ingredients to see what kind of sugar was involved and the bad guy, high fructose corn syrup, ranks near the bottom.

Taste. Hallelujah! This is the best snack bar I have ever tasted. Ever. It tastes as good as it looks on the cover, and you almost feel bad eating it. Those morsels tasted like grandma did make this for me. That was honey sticking all those oats and peanut butter parts together. There were just enough peanuts to keep it real and not too many to give me thoughts of hugging trees.

I still have a feeling that General Mills mistakenly packaged a Mr. Goodbar in the Fiber One wrapper, except no chocolate. This is the perfect sweet fix for someone on a healthy eating lifestyle! I could taste the morsels with each chew, and I actually felt full for a good hour or so.

The Fiber One Oats and Peanut Bar will be a main staple in my snack stash at the office. I highly recommend this chewy bar if you are thinking about cheating. This is one mistress you can have with no regret.

Karla News

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