Categories: LIFESTYLE

Easy Ways to “Go Green” and Why You Should Care

In these days of soaring heat waves, global warming, and record pollution, “going green” has become a buzz word we see frequently splashed all over the media. But what exactly does that mean? Does “being green” require you give up all the creature comforts that make up the modern lifestyle? Where does one start? And why should the average American care?

America, in many ways, has been the leader in consumption and consumerism of the world. It’s part of our lifestyle. Until recently, that right has not been contested, until it became globally evident that our resources are dwindling and our nation as a whole is becoming affected. The public consciousness has shifted in a very good way towards more of an attitude of conservation and we are beginning to stop and take notice of the fragility of out Planet. Many people are concerned now and realize the full potential of our ability, or even responsibility, to make positive change.

So what can you do? it’s surprisingly easy to make a few small changes on a daily basis, which, if everyone did, would make a tremendous impact. Here is small list I have compiled.

1.) Recycle – I put this one as number one, because it is a biggie, and it is understated how important it really is. I know it is a bit of a pain for some of us, but it really makes a difference. Here are some startling facts:

Did you know, that every year in America, enough paper products are thrown out to construct a 12-foot high wall that actually could stretch from New York to California? Yikes.

Recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to power your average television set for 3 hours. I guess we don’t need to get out the candles when the power goes out!

If every plastic bottle used in America was recycled, we would keep 2 billion tons of plastic out of our landfills annually (Penn State)

Recycling 1 glass bottle saves enough energy to light a 100-watt light bulb for 4 hours!

These are just a few examples of the amazing impact recycling makes. I personally have cut down on the amount of trash my family and I discard by about 75% by recycling. We average 1 bag of garbage a week.

2.) Conservation – Let’s talk a little here about conservation. This is more where “going green” becomes a lifestyle. You’d be surprised; like a domino effect, the more you apply concern about conservation for the Planet on a daily basis, the more conscious you become about the health of others around you and yourself, and really humanity. After all, it really is the little things in life that make all the difference, right?

To get you started:

Own 1 car per family. I know this is not always an option, but the less cars you have, the less pollution, high bills, maintenance, and isolation you have! There is great public transportation in most metropolitan cities, and many businesses have carpooling routes to help.

Bicycle whenever possible to get to local destinations. Again, not for everyone. But, even pedaling up a few blocks to your local grocery store really adds up in a years’ time. You save possibly hundreds of dollars on gasoline, and get fit in the process!

Never let your car idle for more than 10 minutes. The air can get thick in the Winter with exhaust; there is no reason to let a car idle for half an hour. Service your car regularly to keep it functioning at maximum efficiency, and cut engine time as much as you can. Be creative. Instead of going through the Drive-through for your morning coffee, park your car and go inside. You’re probably saving 5 to 10 minutes of idling time right there. Instead of driving around for ten minutes looking for the closest parking space at the Mall, park further away and walk (good for the body, too!). There are countless ways to conserve.

A quick word about efficiency in the home – Use common sense and it will get you a long way towards the goal of being green. Turn off lights when you’re not in the room. Take showers instead of long baths. Turn off the water faucet while you’re brushing your teeth. Use energy-efficient light bulbs, such as fluorescent bulbs. They’re 4 times more energy efficient and put out the same amount of light. Seal up doors and windows so that the thermostat can be kept lower in winter. Do what you can, and be proud of yourself that you care.

I hope this list has been helpful in getting you started on the path of conscious living. Small steps make a difference, and the rewards are truly great.


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