Categories: Shopping & Fashion

Top Ten Gifts for Detail-Oriented People

Top Ten Holiday Gift Ideas for Detail-Oriented People

If you aren’t this type of person but happen to know a few of them, here’s a list of gift ideas for any occasion that will be sure to please the discriminating perfectionist in your life.

-Home Brewery Kit: Brewing your own beer can be an immensely satisfactory experience, but in order to get good results you must pay attention to detail. Becoming a successful home brewmaster entails keeping all equipment squeaky-clean, making exact measurements, and patience as well as a creative flair for combining flavors. A starter kit can be purchased online for less than $50.00. Another plus to this gift: for later occasions, there are all sorts of accessories and ingredient kits you can buy for your budding brewmaster’s birthday, Christmas, etc.

-Fly tying kit: Another activity that requires patience and creativity. There is something deeply satisfying about tying your
own fishing flies. If you become proficient enough at it, you can even sell them. This is an addictive pastime and can be very
relaxing as well. One doesn’t have to be a fisherman to do it, friend of mine ties flies and makes beautiful jewelry out of them. Starter kits range from $50.00 and up, but you can put together a nice kit yourself for less. A table vice, tying thread, scissors, fishhooks, a few spools of thin chenille, and some bright feathers (softer ones like marabou) plus a book of basic designs is enough to get started.

-Rotary hand tool: A good hand tool like a Dremel and some nice pieces of wood can fire up almost anyone’s imagination.
Include a book or magazine with some good pictures of tiki carvings, decoys or statuary for inspiration, the more detailed the better.

-River Tank Ecosystem: I have to admit to a certain fascination with this one. There are all levels of these complete freshwater systems available that support plants, lizards,frogs, fish and shrimp. The tank requires extra care to set up, but is pretty low maintenance because it is an ecologically balanced system. It’s also a constant source of interest, one of those things you can watch for hours. The advantage of this over the standard fresh- or saltwater aquariums is that it supports many different species of amphibians, fish and plants and requires much less maintenance. Systems can be found at school science supply sites online. Note: Buying the entire system for someone can get pricey; 10-gallon kits start at $155.00. A less expensive way to get someone started is to purchase a tank . Several places online sell a beautiful little freshwater desktop tank for $74.99). Ward’s Natural Science (online) sells aquatic and terrestrial plants and animals for river tanks , all for under $20.00.
-Upside-down tomato garden: An easy to assemble, space-saving planter that grows tomatoes, peppers and herbs literally upside down, indoors or out. The detail part comes in taking care of the tomatoes, which can be fussier than spoiled children in terms of sunlight, soil content, and food. The rewards are tremendous, though. Nothings beats the taste of homegrown tomatoes, and the detail-crazy person is the perfect candidate to raise them. The garden itself is also extremely nice looking! Hammacher-Schlemmer sells a deluxe one for $69.95; I’ve also seen them at Topsy-Turvy’s (internet) for $29.95.

-For the computer gamers: any of the Civilization games. Starting in ancient times and going right up through the space age, the gamer uses strategy and skill to create a superior country to that of the other countries that are developing around him or her. Not just another shoot-em-up war game! One must decide and control every aspect of a growing civilization, including trade, technology, imports and exports, agriculture, religion, and government as well as the building of defenses and diplomatic relations. Reviews from friends and on gamers’ sites say the best games are the first version (available on Amazon and other sites that sell older games) and the latest version, Civilization IV. Available at Amazon, $25.99.

-Another good computer game for detail-oriented types is the Myst series. The player (or players) are led through strange and fantastic worlds, constantly searching for hidden clues that are impossible to find without paying close attention to all one’s surroundings and being able to remember them in later scenarios. Mind-bending puzzles, problems and fantastic graphics make this game addictive for anyone who likes to exercise their brain. Available on Amazon for $14.98.

-Genealogy kit: several types are available on the market today; good old-fashioned albums that are formatted for multiple generations, charts..I’ve even seen a decorative make-it-yourself fan that displays generations to hang on your wall. There are also many excellent software kits that allow the amateur genealogist to map his or her own family history like a pro. Family Treemaker is one such program, retails for $39.95.

-Silicone mold-making kit: design and make your own food-grade molds for butter, chocolate, candy, etc. Silicone Plastique sells several different kinds of trial kits for $12.99. Carve or sculpt any design or figurine, cover with silicone, let harden, remove and Voila! -your own originally designed food mold! Even non-detailists will have hours of fun with this kit.

-Pirogue starter kit: a pirogue is a graceful flat-bottomed boat that can float (literally) in a mud puddle. Used for centuries, this cajun/indian watercraft is ideal for lakes, swamps, and ponds and looks absolutely gorgeous when finished. Easy to build even for beginners (but again, needs attention to detail) I built one myself with my detail-crazy best friend and the result was outstanding! We have gotten a lot of use out of it in the Florida Everglades. Uncle John’s on the internet sells the starter kit including plans, pre-cut stems and ribs, and full support for $54.55. I can’t think of a better project for parents to build with their kids. This kit will get them started (plywood and hardware not included, but specified).


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