Diet Soda Debate – Good or Bad for You?

Diet soda is what many of us have lived on for decades. It’s sugar-free, calorie-free, tastes great and many diet soda flavors contain caffeine to help get us through our hectic days. So what’s not to love? As the diet soda debate intensifies on both sides of the issue, here are some solid findings which are no longer open for debate and may lead us to voluntarily curtail a few cans of the bubbly delight each week.

Obesity and Diabetes

Studies have found a connection between drinking diet sodas regularly and obesity and type II diabetes. While the exact connection is not yet known, the study has shown people who drink three or more diet soda per day were much more likely to gain weight. Weight was easier for them to gain and led to obesity and diabetes .

Decline in Kidney Function

A major study discovered that drinking two or more diet sodas per day doubles the risk of a decline in kidney function over time. The consumption of non-diet sodas had no impact on kidney function. On the flip-side, there is good news for people prone to develop kidney stones – studies have shown diet sodas which are citrus flavored contain a compound that may inhibit the formation of kidney stones. Moderation is key, of course, and indulging in a not-diet soda a couple times per week seems to be sufficient to keep kidney stones at bay.

Increased Bone Fracture Risk

People who consume copious amount of diet sodas are at an increased risk for bone fracture and bone loss . It’s not so much the artificially sweetened beverage doing the damage, but that less calcium-rich milk is consumed by diet soda aficionados.

Tooth Decay

Many of us thought diet soda was safe for out teeth, since it contains no cavity causing sugar. Even without sugar, the artificially sweetened drink is not safe for teeth and does promote tooth decay. The acidity level is the same in a regular soda and a diet soda, and the acid erodes tooth enamel over time and promotes tooth decay.




Huffington Post

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