Categories: Food & Wine

Creative Uses for Vanilla Extract and Beans

Vanilla is a very popular scent, and it’s one of my personal favorites. I’ve always enjoyed the scent, and when I was a child I wanted to taste the delightfully scented brown liquid, but my mother warned me that I wouldn’t like it. Because of the tantalizing scent, I was sure I would love the flavor, but as usual my mother was right. In the form of an extract, it didn’t taste at all like it smelled, but my curiosity was satisfied.

As an adult I still love the scent of vanilla extract and other similarly scented items. I have vanilla scented candles, cologne, and air freshener. I surround myself with the delightful scent as much as possible, and I’ve discovered some very creative uses for beans and extract. It’s great for more than just cookies, and if you love the scent as much as I do, you’ll definitely want to try these fun and creative uses for a this deliciously fragrant gift from nature.

Madagascar Varieties

Pure vanilla extract is considerably better than imitation varieties, but most people are unaware of the superior quality of Madagascar vanilla. If you want an extract unlike any you’ve ever had, order the genuine Madagascar variety online. Once you’ve tried Madagascar vanilla you’ll no doubt prefer it over ordinary flavorings for baking and all of the other creative uses you find.

Homemade Extract

Did you know you can make your own extract for baking and other creative uses? Simply measure ½ cup of quality rum or vodka into a container with a lid, and add 2 vanilla beans (4 – 6 inches in length) split lengthwise with seeds intact. Allow the mixture to steep for approximately 2 months in a dark location. Replace the rum or vodka as you use it and you’ll never run out of this tasty homemade extract. You can utilize this homemade vanilla for all of your baking needs and for many creative uses.

Homemade Flavored Sugar

Vanilla flavored sugar tastes great mixed in with a cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa, and it’s absolutely delightful when mixed with cinnamon and sprinkled on buttered toast. Add a couple of vanilla beans to your sugar bowl and allow them to remain for a few weeks. The sugar will absorb the wonderful scent and take on a rich flavor unlike any other sugar you’ve ever tried. You’ll never go back to ordinary sugar!


The scent of vanilla is relaxing and calming to the senses. If you’re looking for creative uses for vanilla, start with a little aromatherapy. Place a few drops of pure vanilla extract on a cold light bulb. Switch on the light bulb, and once it becomes warm it will fill the room with the soothing and unmistakable scent. This trick also works well for freshening stale air.

Homemade Body Mist

If you love vanilla as I do, you’ll love this homemade body spray. This is one of the most creative uses for vanilla since it can be sprayed on the body or in the air to freshen a room. Make this homemade vanilla body spray for yourself and to give as gifts. Anyone who loves the scent will love this homemade vanilla body spray.

Combine 6 tablespoons of pure vanilla extract (store-bought or homemade), 2 cups of distilled water, and 1 1/3 tablespoons of isopropyl rubbing alcohol. Place the mixture in a spray bottle, and enjoy the heavenly scent of homemade vanilla mist.


Creative uses for vanilla are many, and if you love potpourri, toss together a mixture of aromatic vanilla beans and other colorful textures and shapes. Begin by soaking a handful of pine shavings in water and food coloring of your choice, and allow the shavings to dry on newspapers. Mix in a few dried flower heads and several large beans. Store the potpourri in sealed containers until ready to use.

Create a Scented Wreath

Those who love making wreaths from grapevines and other dried materials don’t usually consider incorporating vanilla beans into their craft, but they can turn an ordinary wreath into an extraordinarily scented work of unique art. Next time you purchase or create a wreath of artificial flowers, incorporate vanilla beans into the design. Simply attach small beans with a hot glue gun or wire. Your wreath will smell delightful every time someone opens or closes the door, or when hung on a wall, the fragrance will pervade the entire room for weeks. Creative uses such as this are lovely as well as fragrant, and will allow you to enjoy this wonderful natural product in more ways than one.

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