Categories: Dieting & Weight Loss

Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle Review – Scam or Legit?

The mark of a scam is often an outrageous claim, a bunch of fake testimonials, and a price a little bit higher than the average Joe wants to spend. When you look at the Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle website, it has scam written all over it.

After all, who is this “outlaw bodybuilder” Tom Venuto, what can his weight loss program do that the average weight loss supplement cannot, and who are all these people singing praises to the Burn The Fat weight loss program, claiming to have lost all this weight? Well, in order to find out if Tom Venuto’s weight loss program is legitimate, you have to examine all of these elements. Let’s put Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle to the test:

1. Who is Tom Venuto?

If he had any credibility, you should be able to find a reputable online publication linking back to him. I did a little online research on Tom Venuto, and it turns out that he does have articles featured on Based on this evidence, Tom Venuto passed my first test.

2. Can his program do more for you than the average weight loss supplement?

Tom Venuto’s weight loss ebook and found that this program is more about living a healthy lifestyle, rather than finding a magic solution for your weight loss problem. In other words, if you can change your life style by following solid nutritional guidelines and doing some exercise, you are bound to lose weight.

Interestingly, this is the polar opposite of what you see a lot of weight loss supplement companies doing. It is easy to believe that a weight loss supplement will magically solve all of your weight problems, but the reality is that a pill isn’t going to make a very large dent into the pizza, cheesy garlic bread, and half gallon of soda pop you had last night for dinner. Tom Venuto’s weight loss program passed this test with flying colors, and I will never again throw my money away on a weight loss supplement because of what I learned from Tom Venuto.

3. Who are all of these people singing praises to the Burn The Fat weight loss program?

It is impossible to tell who all these people are, since testimonials can be faked. However, what you can’t fake are entire online forums dedicated to the Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle Weight loss program. Believe it or not, there is a BFFM Yahoo Group (BFFM stands for Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle).

The BFFM Group is made up of individuals who have lost weight with Tom Venuto’s weight loss program. This members of this group actively encourage one another and help each other lose weight by applying principles they have learned in the Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle weight loss program. There are many “before and after” photos posted on this forum of different individuals showing the drastic improvements of their physiques. This should erase any doubts about whether or not the Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle ebook was a scam.

There is a reason Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle is one of the top selling weight loss programs on the internet: because it works!

If you are tired of being lied to by weight loss supplement companies, and are tired of all of the weight loss hype, which doesn’t deliver results, give Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle a try. Don’t worry – you won’t get scammed – but you might very well lose some weight!

Karla News

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