Categories: Food & Wine

Buddy Fruits Pure Blended Fruit to Go Review

Buddy Fruits are tiny little 3.2 ounce 100 percent fruit blends in a containers that look like a miniature version of Capri Sun. The top of the Buddy Fruits is plastic and twists off fairly easily.

For the most part, Buddy Fruits are designed and marketed, it seems to me, for children. With a little smiley face apple on the front and a squeezable kid-friendly package, it should motivate your child to drink his or her serving of blended fruit.

Of course, is it really a good idea to drink fruit juice rather than eat a whole fruit? That’s the difference with Buddy Fruits. Although it looks like a fruit juice, it’s not. Buddy Fruits is a fruit blend. It’s like drinking pureed fruit as opposed to fruit juice. It’s important because without the whole fruit, children miss out on the fiber. Still, the product does not contain as much fiber as you would get by eating the skins of a fruit.

Here’s what I learned about Buddy Fruits apple and strawberry flavor from my review:

No. 1: Buddy Fruits Blended Fruit calories: 60 calories in one pouch.

No. 2: Buddy Fruits Blended Fruit nutrition: Buddy Fruits has no fat, 10 mg sodium, 1 gram of fiber, no protein, 14 grams of natural fruit sugar.

No. 3: Buddy Fruits Blended Fruit does not have to be refrigerated until opened. Then it may last up to 24 hours. I highly recommend keeping it in the refrigerator, though, for taste purposes. It tastes better cold.

No. 4: Buddy Fruits Blended Fruit has no preservatives, no colorings, no additives, no fat, no genetic modification, no dairy, no gluten, no artificial flavors or colors.

No. 5 Buddy Fruits Blended Fruit Ingredients: Buddy Fruits apple and strawberry flavor contains apple, strawberry, blackcurrant juice, concentrated apple juice.

Will your child like Buddy Fruits? It’s hard to say. I think they may have to get used to it at first. They will probably like the Buddy Fruits packaging. Make sure you don’t call it a “juice” or they may be turned off by the thick texture. The flavor is appealing with the mixture of apple, strawberry and blackcurrant. The texture is the same as apple sauce in my opinion.

Warning: The cap on the Buddy Fruits package is a choking hazard so remove and dispose of the cap before giving to a child.

Buddy Fruits is a product of Belgium that is distributed by Ouhala Gourmet in Coral Gables, Florida. It would fit easily into a lunch box.

I give the Buddy Fruits a 4 out of 5 for nutrition and a 2.5 out of 5 for taste. It’s better than fruit juice, but can’t really compare to real fresh fruit!

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