Categories: Dieting & Weight Loss

Best Low Carb Diet Shake

The low carbohydrate method of losing weight has gone from controversial to commonplace, and some good products are out there. Advertisements touting new products for dieters are abundant, but I found one that is truly a quality product.

When fifty pounds crept up on me, the low carbohydrate route is the direction I decided to go. I went down to a size six, and it was easy because I had a job working as a gardener. I walked the sprawling acreage of a beautiful historical site – five miles a day!

The maintenance person whose job coordinated with mine was on a low carb diet too. He told me of a premixed diet shake he’d been using, so I thought I’d give it a try. I didn’t have to make a special trip to a health food store, because it was readily available at Walmart.

The company that makes this diet drink is called EAS. I think it’s a quality organization. EAS stands for energy, athletics, strength. It’s located in Columbus, Ohio.

Why do I think this product is of such good quality? Because it actually constitutes the equivalent of a meal – unlike other similar products that falsely make the same claim. The low carbohydrate diet drink is called Advantedge.

The cost of Advantedge is competitive with other diet drinks, yet has more nutritional value. For the money spent – this makes it the best deal for your diet. It substitutes for a whole meal at a cost of about $1.25.

The protein content is 17 grams, approximately the amount you should get in a meal. I’ve never seen this in any of the common diet drinks. Protein unleashes slowly into the system for a long range energy boost.

These other diet drinks cheat you out of this beneficial protein factor. Before you know it, you’re hungry again. With Advantedge, hunger is taken care of with lot’s of good nutrients.

Three tasty shakes are available in strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate. Admittedly, this can get boring all the same. I like the chocolate the best, though there is no real chocolate in the ingredients. Vanilla is iffy, and strawberry is not too bad.

During my diet I used two of these diet shakes for the first two meals of the day. This worked out well with my job, which I did a lot of bending over, and stooping. I really didn’t want to be this engaged in an activity with a stomach full of food to digest.

I had the recommended evening meal of a well balanced dinner – steak, salad, and a cooked green vegetable.

Recently, I decided to look around to see if EAS had a website. I went there and found more excellence! Some good looking weight lifters greet you on the first page. Everyone on their staff is wholesome looking.

The staff includes a dietitian who is available for discussions. She’s also very healthy looking, which gives her position credibility.

The very nicely designed Web page also offers chat rooms for different interests, including one for diabetics. I just love it when I discover a company of excellence! Outstanding truly describes this company.

If you are planning a low carb diet go to the website and get any information you need.


Karla News

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