Categories: Parenting

Best Arabic Girl Baby Names

Naming your little one is not an easy task. Your daughter needs a name that is adorable on a baby and classy on a woman. There are millions of names to choose from, and that can make it even more difficult to find the right name that you and your partner both like. Let’s take a look at some really great Arabic names for your baby girl. After all, it’s the first big parenting decision you will make together. Nameberry will escort us through the naming process.

(1) Aaliyah: Meaning “highborn” in Arabic, there are a variety of spellings for this name. It’s gorgeous whether it is Aliya, Aliah, or simply Alia. The popular spelling of Aaliyah might remind you of the singer who died in the plane crash, but really that’s no reason not to choose this name.

(2) Aanisah: This name has the lovely definition of “good-natured.” There are great nick name possibilities and it can also be spelled Anisa. For me, it reminds me of one of the girls from Real World Road Rules Challenge on MTV.

(3) Aisha: With dozens of alternate spellings and even an alternate pronunciation, Aisha is the gift that keeps in giving. It’s short and sweet, but also really interesting. It also means “woman and life,” which makes it even more special. It is definitely a name to consider.

(4) Alaia: There is something truly intriguing about this name. It definitely makes me sit up and take notice. It is pronounced with a “lie” sound in the middle as opposed to a “lay” sound. It means “sublime” and it definitely also sounds sublime.

(5) Amani: I love this name and you will too! It’s got a beautiful sound and a great definition! Amani means “faith” and has a soft sound, but also a powerful sound. It’s not easy for a name to evoke both of those things, but Amani does.

(6) Emira: This is a variation on the male name Amir. It has the versatility to sound immediately female, despite sounding so close to its male counterpart. It means “commander” and your baby girl will surely never meet another with her name. The spelling Amira is also a possibility.

(7) Meissa: Sure, it might look like a mistake on Melissa, but Melissa isn’t a popular name anymore anyway. It’s time for a change, and Meissa is the perfect name to take us there. It means “the shining one” in Arabic and it is also a star in Orion. It’s definitely an interesting and unique baby name choice.

(8) Nazira: Though it means “equal,” Nazira is definitely above and beyond most names. It has a great sound. It’s unique without sounding outlandish, and there is something about it that makes you want to hear it again and again. Of course, if you choose it as a name for your baby girl, you will hear it again and again. A Nazara spelling might also be cute.

(9) Raniyah: Raniyah means “gazing” and you’ll be gazing at your baby girl every second you can. It’s a great name and has a lovely nickname with Rani. It’s definitely a name that is sure to make your short list of possibilities.

(10) Zahra: With all of the Zoes running around, Zahra, meaning flower, is a great choice. It’s different, but also easy to pronounce. It can be even easier to spell if you go with the Zara variation, though I love it with the “h.” You can fancy it up even more and spell it Zahara, which is also unique and interesting.


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