Categories: People

Best 8 Lil Wayne Quotes

President Obama has nothing on Lil Wayne, even if Dwayne Michael Carter Jr. is on his mp3 player . This child prodigy rapper has spoken volumes of inspirations about life, love, and the pursuit of success, here are the best eight Lil Wayne quotes and sayings to live by.

“Make jokes. No stress. Love. Live. Life. Proceed. Progress. ” This is quite possibly Dwayne’s rendition of the now famous quote “live, laugh, love.” He reminds us to laugh about life and not take it so seriously, don’t sweat the small stuff, love yourself and others, always move forward, and always improve upon yourself and your work. These nine little words convey so much.

“You can love me or hate me I swear it won’t make me or break me. ” Haters be hatin’ and lovers be lovin’ and we can’t do much about it. We will always have enemies and people who love us, that doesn’t define who we are and we shouldn’t let it impede our progress in life.

“Safe sex is great sex, better wear a latex cuz you don’t want that late text . . . that I think I’m late text. ” Practice safe sex need we say more? Even Lil Wayne advocated the use of contraceptives, after four kids with different women, he should know.

“Yeah my life a bitch, but you know nutin bout her.” Lil Wayne’s life has had its vicissitudes, we only know what been in the media, not the truth. Just like our own lives, only he knows why he has done the things he has and we shouldn’t judge him or others based on what we hear.

“Always talk to God, never listen to the cops. ” A Christian, Lil Wayne advocates strong spiritual values and values his spiritual life. The Media reported Lil Wane “reading his bible daily,” even while in prison.

“I never had height, but boy I got heart.” It’s what’s on the inside that counts. Similar to other quotes like “it’s the size of the fight in the dog” and “never judge a book by its cover” this quote sums it up nicely.

“But I’m just a soul whose intentions are good. Oh lord, please don’t let me be misunderstood .” A bit of Buddhist wisdom right here, all people, good or bad, want and deserve the same things, that is love and acceptance. Don’t misunderstand them because generally their intentions are good even if they’ve screwed up somewhere.

“I’d catch a grenade for ya .” Possibly one of the most popular Lil Wayne Quote. This song “Grenade” is rocking the charts in 2011. It describes real, deep love for someone, so deep you’d be willing to die for them.

Lil Wayne’s life got an early start when at the age of just 12-years-old he signed onto cash money records . He left school at the age of 14 to pursue his music and later returned to get his GED and a degree in psychology. In addition to rap music, his talents include rock music and acting. He has managed to stuff a lot of living into his short life, proving that life in the fast lane can net intelligence too.

Works Cited: Obama Speech: Lil Wayne Quote Obama Interview: LIL Wayne on Ipod

Cash Money Records Official Lil Wayne Page

Biography: Lil Wayne

Make jokes. No stress. Love. Live. Life. Proceed. Progress

You can love me or hate me I swear it won’t make me or break me

Safe sex is great sex, better wear a latex cuz you don’t want that late text . . . that I think I’m late text

Yeah my life a bitch, but you know nutin bout her

Always talk to God, never listen to the cops

“But I’m just a soul whose intentions are good. Oh lord, please don’t let me be misunderstood”

“I’d catch a grenade for ya”

Karla News

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