Categories: Crafts & Hobbies

Beachcombing 103: Identifying Shells

Safe to say, if you are reading this that you have found some sea shells and are on the quest of identification. Like you, I have been beachcombing. In fact, I combed the beach almost 365 days last year. In all of my collecting, I have learned some pretty valuable info on how to identify the find. Hopefully, this will save you some time.

Know Key Words
I have tried so many search engines and a variety of search words. However, the best resources I have found have been seeking search engines with the key words:

Shell Identification
Seashell Identification Guide
Common Shells of ____ (Insert your Region)
Seashell Identification

Try those and I bet you find what you are looking for!

Don’t Stop
Shell collecting is so diverse and there are so many different resources out there. Do not be discouraged and do not be satisfied with one website. The more I research a common shell, the more I find out how interesting and uncommon my find actually is!

For example, I found a common shell which I learned was called an Angel Wing. I found I was able to identify it through a common identification guide online. But I did not stop there. Once I learned what it was called, I then typed in “Angle Wing” in the search engine. From there, I learned there were infinite resources on this one shell and was able to learn so many more interesting facts worth sharing…and raising the value of that shell to me. It became more of a talk piece in the process. And ultimately, I learned how truly lucky I was to find it the way I did!

Amateur Sites offer Great Insight
One thing you are bound to learn when seeking proper shell identification is that there are a lot of amateurs (perhaps just like you) creating sites online that are a scratch above your own knowledge, but possibly wrong. So, always double check what you think you know.

But, never underestimate what a fellow comber might offer. I have learned how to clean…how things smell or feel…and so many interesting facts through amateur sites. They are out there gleaning information like you are. So, it is wise to take it in…but verify. Some amateurs know more than they think they do…or offer a unique insight that helps you on your quest for truth.

In summary, know your key words – using the power words suggested, double check your resources for accuracy and additional information and never underestimate the power of an avid beachcomber…no matter how new they might be!

If you haven’t already caught the articles Beachcombing 101: Practical Guide for Walking the Shore, Beachcombing 102: When to Walk, or the slideshow of common shells of NW Florida, be sure to check out the Resource links on this page! (Bottom right.)


Karla News

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