Categories: Opinion and Editorial

America’s Next Top Model 2007: My Prediction / Opinion

I have been following Tyra Banks on her show America’s Next Top Model since season 1. I have stuck my middle finger up at the television many times throughout the seasons as I watched girls who I thought should of been America’s Next Top Model go home.

This season I’ve been disappointed due to the fact that Bianca seems to be getting away with being a mean diva….where in past seasons a diva would be pointed out early on in the show. If the Lil’ miss diva didn’t change her ways, Tyra would send her packing. I don’t get how or why Bianca gets away with it, but she does. Bianca is a little less ‘diva’ then most divas we have seen in previous seasons. It seems she gets away with her rude cruel ways by acting nice, as she is being mean. I guess it is acceptable to tell someone they suck so long as you are smiling when you say it.

If anyone tuned in on Wednesday the 7th you would have seen that America’s Next Top Model sent Sarah home. I had a huge problem with this because she was sent home for the wrong reasons in my opinion. Sarah was sent home because she was too thin to be a plus size model, and too big to be a ‘model?

I had a bit of a hard time swallowing that load of crap. Why can there not be a ‘normal’ sized model!? Most women in America have the exact same body type that Sarah has. She is the perfect example of the perfect size seeing how more women have an average frame. According to Tyra…the industry only seeks out rail thin or plus size. I don’t blame Tyra for this, I mean if this is what the industry wants, it’s what they will seek out. I just do not understand why they would pass up Sarah, she represents so many women…it was just crazy to send her packing.

Chantal however got a second chance, and this chick has done nothing but breeze by week after week relying on her blond hair and thin frame. Sorry but in front of a camera she looks confused, and week after week she has had the same expression and confused look on her face. Her conceded attitude also does not help win any fans. ‘God gave me this face and this body for this reason’ Bah! I see prettier chicks behind counters at McDonald’s. You can be pretty without being conceded.

Last week we watched Ebony excuse herself from the show. What a waste of time and film she was. Such a gorgeous unique look, and she threw it all away. I had high hopes for her, and she farted out…not just on herself, but on America as well…she had a fan base, and by excusing herself like that, she disappointed a lot of fans.

Then we have Heather, the gorgeous dark Gothic princess. Heather has Asperger’s syndrome. I do not know much about the syndrome, but from what she has explained on the show, it basically is the inability to function properly in social situations. You can clearly tell throughout each episode that Heather is slightly more awkward than any other contestant we have seen on America’s Next Top Model. This awkward way about her though only makes her that much more unique.

Bianca in particular has issues with Heather only because she feels that Heather is praised by the judges only because of her disability. I beg to differ. Heather takes direction and applies herself. When given orders she follows through immediately.

It is my hope and guess that Heather takes home the grand prize this season. I have my fingers crossed for her, and I really hope she becomes America’s Next Top Model.

It is also my guess that the final 2 will be Heather and Lisa.

Karla News

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