Categories: LIFESTYLE

Why Older Women and Younger Men Can Make Good Couples

I think it is fine if an older woman dates a younger guy.

First, I’m an older guy. Next, I’m married to a woman who is two years my junior and, we’ve been married for 34 years. Still, I feel comfortable weighing in on this issue. While I think we older guys have a lot to offer, I think younger guys do as well; to me, if a person is happy, then I’m all for them.

One area I think that younger guys have an edge, is in the area of life experiences. Often, they don’t have as many as an older fellow. It is fun and exhilarating for a woman to be able to introduce a younger man to experiences she has had, that an older man may not find as exciting.

Certainly energy is a plus. Typically, younger men can go at a faster clip for longer periods of time. For the energetic woman, this is something that she wants. I know that in my case, I am not always in the mood for adventure; I want to stay at home. I think younger guys are just the reverse of that; they don’t want to sit around; they want to do things.

I am sure most people will mention at least something about sexual stamina. I’m sure there can be benefits for having a younger guy in this area; especially if the woman is in good physical shape and does not want to relegate herself to an older lifestyle. On the other hand, I’m not willing to completely give the edge to younger men. This is one area where quality can beat quantity; having said that, with the right man and, for the right woman; youth can be a benefit. As a Christian man, I would feel remiss if I didn’t request that you wait until after you are married to enjoy this benefit.

I like to look at this topic from the other side. I do believe that there are benefits for younger guys to date older women. They are more mature emotionally; they are caring; they appreciate life; they understand relationships; they understand men better; and, since I am married to an “older woman”, I have to say I think they are sexier. I feel my wife is way sexier than she was twenty years ago.

Older women bring to the table many benefits. For that reason I think that another benefit of dating a younger man will occur. They will treat the woman with respect. They may treat someone their own age with “same-age” hip, but, I think the exposure to the older woman elevates their attitude; I believe they want to please her.

Relationships that bring joy are worth their weight in gold. If two people are happy, age certainly shouldn’t play a role.

It appears to me, that it is beneficial for a woman to date a younger man, because of who she is. She very well may be energetic, loving, smart, and adventurous. Sadly, older fellows aren’t always willing to “keep pace”; younger guys make sense.

From what I’ve seen though, the key issue that has made these relationships wonderful, is sharing adventures where the woman has the privilege of watching a younger man experience something with her; with “new eyes”. Enjoying life together is what draws people close.

Karla News

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