Categories: Parenting

Why Kids Love Tree Swings

There are as many reasons why kids love tree swings probably as there are kids. Sure you can go to the store and pick out a state of the art swing set and even have it installed for you. Your kids will use it no doubt. But there is something very different about setting up a backyard tree swing for your child. Most kids instinctively are drawn to that wooden seat suspended by thick braided rope from the strong branch of a maple or other sturdy backyard tree. My own hours spent on my backyard swing over the course of a half dozen years are among the brightest and happiest of my own childhood for at least some of these reasons.

To begin with the backyard tree swing is the perfect place to truly gain solitude. Whether you are an only child wishing to get space from your parents or have siblings who have been in your face all day, the tree swing provides incredible solitude. Tree swings are constructed for one child to use at a time, they don’t provide access for groups. When you head off to use the swing you are heading off to just be by yourself.

I found the solitude of the swing a wonderful setting to talk to myself, sing, hum, whistle, even occasionally let out a little yell or giggle at the sheer joy of swinging free and clear of everyone and everything. The tree swing allows you the luxury of fully being yourself without interference or self-consciousness that comes when surrounded by others.

For kids, using a tree swing can also be a great opportunity to connect with nature in a unique way. The swing is connected to a tree branch and you are connected by sitting on the wooden seat. You can easily imagine that you are like one of the branches blowing in the wind. There is simply a world of distance between swinging on that metal swing at the school yard or playground where your swing seat is suspended by cold metal and hung from more cold metal and swinging in the midst of trees. It’s a distinction that is not lost on even young children.

Creating a backyard tree swing for your child can take some time and effort on your part but in the long run you will not only save some cash, you will have the satisfaction of you made something special and lasting for your child. In the process you will also teach your child the important lesson that not everything we use or enjoy necessarily needs to be expensive or come from a big toy store. In the process you will opened up a world of peace filled freedom, imagination and joy for your son or daughter.

Best of all, if you stay put long enough you may have the unequaled joy of watching the next generation of your family out using the backyard tree swing.

You can find information about building your own backyard tree swing on a variety of home improvement websites like those shown in the resource section below.



Karla News

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