
Obama’s “No Earmarks” Promise Broken

" The truth is, our earmark system in Washington is fraught with abuse. It badly needs reform - which is…

2 days ago

Liberal Vs. Conservative Personalities

I have always been fascinated by the disparity between liberals and conservatives, particularly as witnessed in the last electoral cycle.…

4 days ago

The New Jersey Senate Race 2012: Bob Menendez Vs. Joe Kyrillos Update Nov 5

In 2012, 33 senate races will be contested. Many, perhaps most, will be landslides, but quite a few will probably…

1 week ago

The Closest Senate Races 2012

Going into the 2012 elections, the Democrats hold 51 seats in the senate, the Republicans have 47 and there are…

3 weeks ago

Geraldine Ferraro’s “White Man” Quote About Obama

It's official; the democrats are not going to take back the white house. The party continues to divide itself as…

3 weeks ago

The Anchor Baby Debate

The most recent conflict on immigration reform is one concerning what are referred to as anchor babies, those children born…

3 weeks ago

A Brief History of ‘Rock the Vote’

In 1992 alone, Rock the Vote was responsible for influencing many of the two million newly registered voters. How did…

1 month ago

John McCain’s Bias Against Waterboarding and Ignorance to the Geneva Convention?

During the CNN hosted YouTube debate, John McCain accused the United States of torturing known terrorists with waterboarding. This statement…

1 month ago

Duties and Responsibilities of the Vice President of the United States

On the official website of the United States Senate, the Office of the Vice President of the United States is…

1 month ago

Presidential Race 2016

It is, perhaps, regrettable that the race for president begins almost before the previous race is over. But, regrettable or…

2 months ago

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