Categories: Fertility & Pregnancy

When is a Good Time to Have a Baby?

So, you’ve been thinking about having a baby? That’s wonderful. You are about to embark on one of the most life changing, defining moments of your life. Many couples want to wait until they finish college and have a job and a house before deciding to start a family. For some, it happens unexpectedly. If you and your partner are among the those who have taken the time to plan for it, the big question you’re sure to be asking yourself is are you ready to have a baby?

There are many factors to consider. Having a baby is a long term commitment. There is no greater position to hold than that of being responsible for another human being. It is the biggest and most important job you’ll ever have.

Are You In A Stable, Committed Relationship?

There are single parents no doubt, made possible through the use of sperm donors and artificial insemination. But most women would rather be in a relationship. Studies show that children who are raised by both parents do better overall. Being in a relationship where you and your partner have committed to and are ready to raise a child is very important. If you are not in a solid relationship, or one parent is not ready, it would be wise to reconsider starting a family right now. Studies show that in a troubled relationship, bringing a child into the mix is more likely to tear you apart than bring you closer.

Do You Have Medical Insurance?

It’s important that you have medical insurance that covers pregnancy and prenatal care. You will need regular doctor visits throughout your pregnancy. During the last few months, you may need to see your doctor as often as once or twice per week for a normal pregnancy. If there are complications, you may require specialize treatment and possibly hospitalization. If you don’t have insurance, you will have to pay for services our of your pocket.

Are You Financially Stable?

The cost of having a baby goes far beyond prenatal care and delivery. The cost only increases with time. Expenses vary from baby products, doctor bills, clothing, toys, child care, schooling etc.

Another important variable to consider is your living situation. Do you have enough space for a baby? If not, can you afford a bigger place? If you and your partner are living month to month with little or no money left over after your bills are paid, this is not be the time to have a baby. Lack of finances is likely to take tremendous negative toll on your relationship. It is a good idea to start saving now.

Health Issues

If you drink alcohol, use drugs, and or smoke, you will need to stop before getting pregnant. If not, you can cause irreparable damage to your baby.

You and your partner should consider all the factors involved and prepare accordingly so that when your baby comes, you can truly enjoy this life defining moment in your lives.

Karla News

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