Categories: TECHNOLOGY

What Video Editing Software is Best?

When choosing which piece of software to use, whether you are considering Sony Vegas vs. Adobe Premier, or Windows Movie Maker vs. iMovie, there are several things you must consider:

1. What is the editing program intended to do?

2. What exactly do I require the program to do for the current project?

3. How well do I know the program/Could I accomplish the same task easier with something else?

Before even thinking about choosing any sort of video editing software, keep the above 3 questions in mind (literally ask yourself them).

Now, before you can ask yourself number 1, you need to have the answers ready. I will briefly outline the rough intended purpose of the top 5 editing programs: Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premier Pro, Sony Vegas, Windows Movie Maker, and iMovie.

Adobe After Effects

Adobe After Effects is a very specific editing program – this is not for linear editing of films or productions. This software is specifically intended to create predetermined lengths of film introductory titles, credits, and short clips or sequences of effects (such as gunshots, explosions, or other film media magic.) Adobe After Effects can be very complicated to grasp at first, so if you are just beginning to edit films, make sure you read/watch some tutorials on the subject before you dive in and begin editing a large production.

Adobe Premier Pro

This program was created with linear movie editing in mind. Adding minor titles, (such as subtitles) and minor effects with this program is perfectly acceptable. However, the original intention of this software was for linear editing, adding transitions, minor video effects to the overall display, and piecing video clips together smoothly.

Adobe Premier Pro is notably easier to pick up than After Effects, however it will still require an effort made by the end user, so be sure to read/watch some tutorials on the subject, as with any new piece of software.

Sony Vegas

Similar to Adobe Premier Pro, this software was intended for linear, story line movie editing. With a vast and versatile arsenal of tools at your disposal to piece together clips, Sony Vegas has everything you need for minor effects, explosions, and other small things. However, as with any linear editing program, you will want a nonlinear program to do the major titles, effects, etc. My recommendation would be After Effects.

Sony Vegas is notably easier to pick up than Premier; this said it is always recommended to read/watch some tutorials on the topic.

Windows Movie Maker

This is about as basic as it gets as far as linear editing. If you are seriously considering producing an actual film, and you want it to look good, make sure you use some other kind of third party software, such as Sony Vegas or Adobe Premier Pro. Considering that Movie Maker has literally zero effect capability, it would only be acceptable after you have edited the clips, and just need a way to piece them together.

This is the standard program that comes on all Windows PC’s with an Operating System of XP or above. The operation is as simple as dragging and dropping video clips, but if you are not aware of some of the advanced features remember to research before you destroy your entire production!


This is the standard video editing program that comes on the Mac Operating System. It is similar to Windows Movie Maker, although it has several other features and options. The only problem for most of those reading this (probably) is that it only comes on Macs. (This is why I have not gotten the personal chance to use the software yet)

Basically, in order to choose what program will work best for you and your current project, you need to consider what the program was intended for, and how well you know the software packages. For example, if I wished to create a nice, but simple and clean introductory title sequence, I have a variety of programs that would accomplish the task. This said, I am more familiar with the controls and options of Sony Vegas than I am with Premier, or After Effects, and thus I would utilize that program above the others. It’s all a matter of what task and what your personal preference is.

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