What Protein Does for You and What Can Happen If Your Body Doesn’t Get Enough

Protein is such an integrate part of the body there are shakes and protein bars all over the place. Muscles can lose their elasticity without it. Making lack of protein one of the reasons why people age along with collagen and bone loss. Body builders use protein all the time to help repair torn muscles and ligaments. Any strength training or exercise routine should always be followed with a helping of Protein.

What does Protein do?

Our Hormones, Genes, Insulin, Thyroid and Pituitary secretions, Enzymes, Hemoglobin, Antibodies, hair, eyes, skin, heart, kidneys, and the liver are all Protein just to give you an idea.

What can happen when there’s not enough Protein in the body for an extended period of time?

Hypoglycemia, lowered blood pressure, anemia, water retention, muscle deterioration, frequent colds, wounds take longer to heal, failing vision, constipation, illness of liver and kidneys, sluggishness, stomach ulcers, nerve weakness, bad circulation, and raised cholesterol.

The amount of protein varies with each individual. One way to estimate your daily requirement of Protein is to take what you weigh and divide it by two. You might want to consider that the harder a person works the more Protein is needed. Jobs that require heavy lifting definitely need extra protein.

What are Complete Proteins?

They are Amino Acids. Amino Acids are either essential or non-essential. Twenty-two Amino Acids are known and Nineteen are essential. Any food that doesn’t contain all the essential Amino Acids is considered incomplete.

Foods that are considered Complete Proteins are soybeans, cottage cheese, eggs, wheat germ, milk, cheeses, Swiss or American, fish, and brewer’s yeast. You don’t have to eat meat to get protein. In fact, vegetarians can have superb health.

Vegetable Proteins are found in a few types of nuts, beans grasses, and peas, but are most predominate in Seeds, Legumes, and Sprouts.

Vegans don’t eat any type of food made with an animal. This includes milk, egg or cheese. They would do well to eat the above mentioned animal by-products otherwise they will need to seek alternative sources of Protein. Protein bars and shakes still taste pretty yucky to me.

There are people who find protein difficult to digest. Carnivores might find this more of a problem. Once meat leaves the stomach it has to rot before it can be of any use in the body. Even those non-meat eaters who eat cheese have found that cheese takes at least nine hours to digest in the stomach. Hydrochloric Acid released in the stomach is key to proper digestion of Protein. If your stomach isn’t making enough Hydrochloric Acid you might assume you have heartburn and turn to an antacid for relief. Antacids only work if your stomach is producing too much Hydrochloric Acid. If after taking an antacid you find that it doesn’t work you can buy Hydrochloric Acid pills.

Many things can bring about a deficiency of Hydrochloric Acid such as lack of a mineral or vitamin. Worrying, arguing, and everyday stresses can all be a cause of poor production of Hydrochloric Acid.

Karla News

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