Categories: Diseases & Conditions

What Happens in an Alien Abduction Experience


The aliens remove you from your normal environment. It may be when you are in bed, the kitchen, the garden, while working on the car, or while driving (which is what happened to me). This is achieved through some sort of neural stunning effect that leaves you unable to run away, initially. You feel paralyzed. You feel obedient and compelled to follow instructions and follow the aliens. Sometimes, some have reported, while in the stunned stasis, you are levitated out of your normal environment and go floating off in a beam of blue light (this seems the most often mentioned color of the light in the accounts I’ve read).

Stripped Naked

Your clothes are taken. This is for a variety of reasons.

It makes it easier, one assumes, for simple access for all the aliens have in store for you.

It is also assumed this helps to prevent spread of disease when they go to sticking 20-inch needles in parts of your body, like your eyes and testicles.

And, it prevents the naughty abductee from stealing souvenirs and hiding them in the clothes to share with the gals in the secretarial pool.

Not Your Ordinary Physical Exam

Why the exam is done exactly is anyone’s guess. It used be thought this was the main thrust for the abductions. “Let’s study those insect humans and see what makes them tick.” Some now think that the examination is a prequel to something else to come. (I am sure you will sleep well knowing that, won’t you?).

Forgive my irreverence here but I just have to editorialize a bit about this first procedure the aliens perform to which most of the abductees testify.

The aliens seem to enjoy running their long and “Edward Scissor Hands like hands” over your face and body. Why they do this, no one knows. I am not sure the aliens know. Many report screaming like a banshee when this is done. Could it be for the sole purpose of eliciting stark, raving terror? I don’t know. But, it seems that’s all it manages to do is scare the human to death!

So, after running their very wet-looking and spidery hands all over you, while pausing particularly long at your face so the rest of the aliens can laugh at you because of the face you are making through Dr. Zord’s fingers, then they go to the next step.


I’m sorry, but this very freaky step in the Alien Abduction Gig just gives me the creeps. This is where one or more of the aliens stand over you and stare into your eyes, which of course brings you to a near-death experience from the sheer fright of it. It is supposed this is where the mental telepathy comes in. This is where they try to send messages to you of several images or try to elicit a relaxed state in you. Relaxation? Yeah, right!

I’m sorry, but I have to ask if no abductee ever thought of giving this freak-a-zoid alien a Three Stooges poke in the eyes? My God, from the descriptions, these eyes are the size of dinner plates. You couldn’t miss if you tried. No one has thought of a head-butt either? Come on! Some believe this staring behavior, besides really NOT relaxing you, is supposed to prepare you for egg or sperm donation (As if that would put me in the mood to produce a sperm sample!).

The Rated-X Stuff

With a seemingly uncanny consistency, abductees report a sexual nature to their abductions. Either eggs from the females or sperm from the males seem to be the main theme of the Experiencers. The aliens want both. The aliens want eggs from women at any age and take them with a very long needle stuck into the women’s belly. The men might have it a little easier through a device that is placed over the penis. I heard one account in which the man said he was forced to have an orgasm whereupon he ejaculated a sample for those nasty aliens (I’m telling you, all they have to do is ask).

Making Babies

After extracting your genetic material, the really scary part comes. The reason it is scary is because if what the Abductees says is true, then we humans are seen in the same manner as we would look upon cattle, livestock, or zoo animals in controlled breeding experiments. To say I find that unsettling would be an understatement. Women being impregnated against their wills and then having the baby ripped from them-if the accounts are true.

Some of the Experiencers tell of having “something put into them vaginally.” After the procedure, about 12 weeks or less into the pregnancy, the baby is removed in another abduction experience. Sometimes, the women are re-abducted to see and hold the baby that has been born and has grown a bit. Sometimes they are told to nurse the hybrids.

There are other Experiencers who report of being re-abducted and taken into a kind of incubation storage facility in which what looks like artificial wombs containing fetuses. The purpose for this is not revealed to the female abductee.

The Babies Born

Additional information has been gleaned from hypnotic sessions in which the female abductees who have experienced this horrific event are taken again and again to see and interact with their hybrid offspring as young children. It as though the kids are in some sort of alien version of playschool or daycare and the human women who bore these children for three months or less see them. Sometimes the abductee is required to play games with the hybrids.

Adult Hybrids

Some Abductees report seeing adult hybrids conducting abductions without the presence of pure aliens. Some have engaged in sexual intercourse with the alien-hybrid adults. Some seem to be assigned to one abductee through the years of the Experiencer’s multiple abductions.

Other Procedures

There are, according to the Experiencers’ accounts, other reasons the aliens abduct us. They conduct other sorts of neurological experiments that include the implantation of visions, images, scripted dramas, or testing with certain types of computerized equipment for unknown purposes.

This data has been gleaned by researchers within the confines of hypnosis and outside the parameters of this controversial method. For an excellent explanation of the careful and scientific use of hypnosis with regards to memory, check out this website: Examining Memory – Dr. David Jacobs


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